Chapter 11

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"Remember team, you three are all security guards working in the security department at Anthro-Con, one of the most guarded events in all of Furry history. You are Protogens, and ever since Captain Henderson nuked Zenith, the Protogens are becoming an endangered species, so people won't mind you three walking around, as long as you got those disguises on. Break a leg team"

Anthro-Con was filled to the brim with thousands of Furries, varying in color and size and species. This was an event the entire empire wanted to go to, but all the seats were filled. This wasn't even 10,000 Furs.

As me, Chloe and Paul walked through the stadium, holding our laser rifles in paws, Furries went around us and looked at us and shock and awe, almost like they were praising us.

"Like looking at a fuckin' angel" I thought to myself

Chloe led us to the security room, where it was a section of rooms put together. I peeked in one of the rooms, and saw Protogens discussing about me, and how to kill me.

They must really want me dead.

"Hey, focus...Edgar" Chloe said to me, trying to hold in a chuckle

"So many names, and you gave me Edgar?" I asked, angrily

"You'll get used to it" Chloe said with a smirk, as me and Paul followed behind her to a small office. This was the camera room, with computer screens all over the wall, and a Protogen sitting down at a desk looking at them all

"Hey, we got eyes on Cowommander Firefly?" Chloe asked the Protogen watching the cameras

"No. He should be here by now. Where the hell...wait a minute. There he is. Camera B-12" The Protogen replied as we looked through that camera and saw Firefly with multiple guards surrounding him, and fans all around him.

"Alright, let's go" Chloe said as she left the room, and me and Paul followed behind.

We followed Chloe around the stadium until we reached a small crowd, and there we saw Cowommander Firefly entering a room, and his guards followed behind. Chloe entered the room he went in, and me and Paul followed behind.

"This must be his office. Play it cool Henderson. You're just another Heretic here on guard duty" I thought to myself

As Chloe slowly walked to Firefly, he sat down at his desk as he began talking in his radio.

"Ross, where hell are you? ... No it hasn't started yet! Look, youwu bewwa gewt youw awss down hewe wite nuw ow yuw will be mawking many Furs very sawd!" Firefly said in his radio.

"What kind of language is this bastard speaking? Sounds like a fucking child" I thought to myself

"Listen, hurry up okay? I love you. Bye" Firefly said as he hung up the radio

"Cowommander Firefly, I am with Emperor Ross. He asks that I deliver the files containing his location to a more, secure place" Chloe said to Firefly

"Really? Ross says that? He never told me that, and that's saying a lot, considering I am his boyfriend after all" Firefly responded

"I'm sure he sent you a letter. I suppose it never got to you." Chloe responded

"Well, if it's coming from my beloved, then of course! It's on my desk right here" Firefly said as Chloe gestured me to take it.

I took it and the three of us began making our way to the door.

"Easier than I thought" I thought to myself

"Wait." Firefly ordered as a Super Sowda blocked the exit, and I slowly turned around. "You, come here"

I slowly walked to his desk as he gestured me to sit down, and I left the files on his desk.

"You. I've seen you before. A very interesting visor you have. Grey fur, a large fluffy tail. Are you from Sector 6?" Firefly asked me

I didn't respond.

"Ah, I see what this." Firefly said

My heart dropped.

"First day on the job huh? Hah! Don't be nervous! You'll have a great time here! Though, I am going to need to see some identification, just to make sure" Firefly said as I handed him my fake ID, and as he looked through it for a moment.

"Are you from here, Edgar Spring? It says you're from Sector 8. Duw yuw knaw ware Sectaw 8 is?" Firefly asked me, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Uhm...yaws...erhm...UwU" I replied as the room fell silent, and soon burst into laughter.

"Like we all say! UwU! Oh what a funny toaster you are! Here, take the files and get out before I die of laughter!" Firefly said chuckling as I took the files, and stood back up, but that's when I could hear his radio

"Cowommander Firefly, we have reason to believe that we have Human spies inside Anthro-Con. They are believe to have grey, white, and blue fur!" The voice in the radio said, and when I looked around I saw that me, Chloe and Paul were the only people in the room with that color fur.

"Rodger." Firefly said as three gunshots could be heard firing, one of them hitting me in the back, and two others hitting Chloe and Paul. I fell to the ground as the others did as well, and Firefly stood on top of me as he removed my visor, and the room fell in shock.

"Oh shit! It's Captain Henderson! Send these three to the dungeon now! That's an order" Firefly shouted.

Those were the last words I heard before passing out.

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