Chapter 1: Rocks and socks

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Talking: Yeet
Shouting: Yeet!
Whispering: yeet
(A/n here because I realize I never gave them a proper description so here, they have a red eye if someone were to look into their eye, also their a darker blue color scheme than a normal sapphire, they a slightly taller than a normal Sapphire, so basically what I'm saying is their an off-color ish.. can they still use their gem powers? Yes yes, they can use their gems powers like any other Sapphire. That's about it I think! Also, Steven has already been born so I'm pretty sure they already found Amythest)

(Another A/n the gems and pretty much everyone else will be referring to you as female because I think all gems are female.)


Y/n's Pov-


I erupted from the rock wall into a canyon with people shaped holes in the wall? Wait I remember now, from my memories or what I didn't forget, this should be called the Prime kindergarten... right?

Hmm, it's cold here, not that it bothers me, but I need to find the warp pad that's around here... I hit a dead end.

*Rocks moving*

...what was that?!... wait I remember now shards monsters! Wait maybe I could convince them to fuse with me, Talk no Jutsu style!

I hear a noise behind me, only to see a creature that has four arms as each limb and no head going towards me, yeah it's scary but maybe I could talk to it.

"Hello there..." Is that how my voice sounds like, it's very high-pitched.

The arm creature, you what ima call him army, was looking at me stepping a few feet away from me but stopping there.

"What's your name?" I asked nervously but can you blame me, I didn't expect this to happen so fast!

I guess I'll tell them my name or maybe my gem type instead... they still staring at me... but they seem unstable like they'll poof at any moment even at the slightest touch.

"My name's Sapphire, I'm friendly." Their still staring at me I think? it produced a scream or a loud sound for a split second then went silent, but it's better than being attacked.

"Hey, your form seems unstable there Friend, if you want you could fuse with me." The creature stared? at me judging from their body language they're pretty shocked, wonder why.

They raised their hand towards me like a handshake, I grabbed it and started fusing, we glowed brightly.

It seems when I fuse with shards they get added to my conscious as well as their memories, it also appears I get some of their powers but not a lot of it since they are shards, it's incomplete...

Oh... I see they weren't shocked but they were scared, it's because they were being chased..... by the Crystal Gems!

I hear footsteps! I need to hide! I start hearing voices that sound like the crystal gems, I hide in my gem hole since I'm small and still close by.

3rd Pov-

We see three members of the Crystal gems Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst was looking around for the gems shards but when they went this way they noticed a new hole.

Pearl: We lost the Gem monster! Does your future vision show anything Garnet?

Garnet: It should be here...

Amethyst: uhh quick question but why is there a new hole there?

When Amethyst said that the other two gems looked around a bit quickly notice a fresh looking hole.

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