Chapter 4: New gems? Plus a new fusion!

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Talking: Yeet
Shouting: Yeet!
Whispering: Yeet



Sapphire Pov-

Dear Dair- I mean Journal

It has been a month since I brought Spinel with me, turns out the amount of time I spent up there was an entire day and not any longer, lucky me... anyways when the gems met Spinel, Pearl did the thing Juno "But it can't be" and after that Pearl waited for a time where she wouldn't look suspicious and talked to Spinel not sure about what since they went somewhere private to talk, but I have a general idea.

Sapphire: 'Sure I could have asked Raphael for the answer but I don't want to rely on them or use Gluttony often because it's too op, which I have only used Gluttony on 10 occasions which is low considering I've been here for almost a few years, I think.'

So anyways when I was unfused in my basic Sapphire form, yesterday I was going for a walk on the beach when I found a shiny thing in the sand, which usually means one thing to me. A gem shard! By the ever way I have usually been finding shattered lapis near or even in the ocean for some reason, which is why I have been going for walks on the beach for the past two weeks. The thing I picked up was a Lapis shard that fit perfectly with the Lapis gem I almost completed, I bubbled it for later and take it with me since I'm writing this while walking on the beach.

But the most important thing that happened this month was that A. I made my own Ruby squad and B. Steven is moving in next month which will be fun! Tho no one told me this I used my future vision.

Okay but what else is important to mention oh I guess my own Ruby squad is something I should probably explain. Where do I start.... right Homeworld seems to shatter gems a lot like a lot, it didn't take me long to find all those Ruby shards because this time I was actually looking for shard monsters instead of just waiting for one to attack randomly, the Ruby squad consist of 6 members not including Ren & Red but I decided to put Red & Ren in charge of them since the squad doesn't have clear leaders and since I'm not always fused with them I decided to put Ren & Red in charge, the other gems agreed even the Ruby squad for which I don't have nicknames for them, all the Rubies seem to be crystal gem Rubies so Garnet, Pearl and the others which is mainly Amethyst and Spinel, they were very happy to have more friends and Crystal gems around.

The Ruby squad seems to like to call me "Your Clarity " or "My Clarity" even tho they know I'm either Over-cooked or an off-color Sapphire but it gets me flustered? is that the right word or is it an awkward feeling that I have, anyways since Garnet is basically never unfused they've never seen Sapphire(Garnet) so they don't call her that, but I think they call me that because I basically brought them back from the gem equivalent of death and I also covered their gems in super glue so they can poof and regenerate like normal, but I'm still not sure why they call me that until a Ruby that I'm leaning into calling Cheeky since she has a cheeky personality, but she told me it felt right for some reason and that it causes me to get flustered so she does it because she finds it funny.

All the Rubies from the newly brought back Ruby squad look like normal Rubies but with stars on them like the other Crystal Gems. Tho the Ruby squad seems protective of me because of me bringing them back from being shattered, tho it annoyed me since they thought I was a fragile person and that I could be hurt easily so I did what any calm and rational person would do......

.... And I beat them to a pulp... yep I just grabbed the two of my sais and beat them all in a fight and poofed them... Did I ever mention my weapon... well it's two sais one sai in each hand which I'm surprised I have two weapons for one gem but when I first used them and getting them from my gem is awkward since I have to reach to my back, but anyways after I beat the Ruby squad minus Red & Ren since they knew what I could do, I decided to take a walk on the sandy beach where I started finding these Lapis shards.

After about a week of finding these shards, I started going on walks more often, and that's pretty much everything that has happened, so let's go on to Relationships.

Amethyst, Garnet and Pearl... and STEVEN! Things have been the same they are still fun to hangout with and all.

Now Spinel took a while to get used to earth but in the end she loves it. When she found out that Rose Quartz leader of the crystal gems shattered her diamond she was upset by it but eventually dealt with her feelings and put it past her. She has met the Ruby squad they seemed to get along, she still calls me her best friend when it just me but I like it.

Now the Ruby squad.... well I can say all together they total pranksters... tho Cheeky set up a pit fall and called it a prank but unfortunately I was the only one to fall in it, but hey I sorta found it was sorta funny, mean but funny sure.

That's all for this month.

Bye journal -

3rd POV-

Sapphire then stopped writing in their journal to put it in their gem for safe keeping and continued walking down the beach eventually heading to the temple with the bubbled Lapis shard.

Right as Sapphire gets close to the door she decides to bust into the temple through the door to surprise.

Which she did surprise them, but they noticed the bubble in Sapphire's hands.

Sapphire: Guess what!!!

Pearl: I see you got that needed shard for that Lapis gem.

Sapphire: Yup.

Red: But if she's hostile... WE BUBBLE HER!

Ren & the Ruby Squad: Y-Yeah!/Yeah!

Garnet: I'm interested. 'I'm interested in the fusion between Sapphire and a Lapis/Yeah I guess it would be fun to see what the fusion would be like.'

Amethyst: It'd be fun to have more gems around!

Sapphire: Alright!'Gosh I wonder what's gonna happen!!'

After Sapphire said that she popped the bubble and fused with the shard. When she fused with the shard a figure that's taller than Pearl and shorter than Garnet but look like they can pack a punch, their color scheme seems to be dark purple for parts of her clothes and with light blue for her hair, though their general appearance that looks messy and lazily put together.

Sapphire POV-

'Yo where am I?'

'Ah hello there I'm Sapphire but some call Saphy and so can you.'

'Oh cool I'm just Lapis, I don't really have a nickname...'

'Okay how about I give you one!'

'Um sure?'

'Um how about... Laze?'

'Hm I like it, but what do we call our fusion? I like the name Glacier'

'I love that name!'

Glacier: Sup dudes!

3rd POV-

When Sapphire fused she was enveloped in a bright light and after a minute she came back down as Glacier.

Glacier: Sup Dudes!



If i find spelling errors or sentences that make no sense I'll fix it.

Me updating my stories will be slow, I'm sorry.

1312 words

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