Oc Gem descriptions?

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(This will be subjected change once and a while. Also more Gems will be added eventually.

Last Change - Jun 19 2022)

  Sapphire(Mc): Dispite having good memory in her new life she has trouble remembering things from her old life, besides the things from Steven Universe. They look in to the future every one and a while to check in on stuff. Do her ability to safely fuse with shards she has become a utility tool because of her absorbing multiple gems shards. Due her fuse with random Sapphire shards she mange to get her hands on, her future vision is stronger than should be for a normal Sapphire.

Looks: She looks like your standard Sapphire in a darker shade of blue, and instead of the normal blue eye she has a bright red eye.

Likes: Knowledge, Music? The planet, life in general, helping others, really like her cafe, checking in on the gems through her visions.

Gem location: On back between the shoulders blades.

Gem weapon: A pair of Sai's

  Ren: Ren is shy and timid but can be very social, she can also become very hyper and seems to enjoy reading about pretty much everything, from fantasy to Non-Fiction books but mainly likes the fantasy books.

Looks: She looks close to a standard Ruby but her hair is curly while still in the usual square Afro.

Likes: Reading, Saphy, (More will be added later).

Gem location: Right hand

Gem weapon: A dagger

  Red: Red has an intense personality and a loud voice but means well, she's also can be headstrong & stubborn at times but she's is willing to change her attitude. She can be weird sometimes but also very funny.

Looks: She is an off-color of your standard Ruby and is redder than normal, her colour resembles dark blood red.

Likes: Cooking anything from icecream cake to pastries, Jokingly screaming at inanimate objects, Saphy, (more will be added later)

Gem location: Left hand

Gem weapon: Dagger

  Laze: She is a type of person that has a good sense of judgement, she will look at your actions and act appropriately to them, she is really relaxed all the time unless the situation calls for a serious tone if not she will be in a relaxed mood, she will help when asked.

Looks: Standard Lapis but with really  baggy pants, Messy hair, always looks relatively relaxed.

Likes: Naps, Saphy, water? (more will be added later)

Gem location: Belly button

Gem weapon: Bow Staff

  Fusion Y/n: Due to Sapphire forgetting while in the void they lost attachment to their name, so Sapphire decided to give her the name to her first fusion, they are a close range fighter because of their strength.

Looks: Taller than Pearl and shorter than Garnet, slimmer than Garnet, Has blue instead of maroon, her skin colour is also bright red, and all of her eyes are red, she also has another set of arm that she has tucked away.

Likes: Running around, knowledge, looking at all the things Earth has to offer, Exploring, Cooking, Reading, (more will be added later)

Gem location: Both palms and on her back. 

Gem weapon: Unknown(Haven't thought of one yet...)

  Fusion Glacier: Lazy in a way that is relaxing, will help other, they are a long range fighter.

Looks: Taller then Pearl, shorter than Garnet, they're slim but still look like they can put up a fight, some parts of her clothes have purple and blue, she has light blue hair, and her general appearance looks messy and lazily put together.

Likes: knowledge, Music, naps, (more will be added later)

Gem location: On their back, and on their bell button.

Gem weapon: Ice Trident? (Not really sure since they made it with Ice manipulation... buuut Sapphire has a pair of sais for weapons and Laze has a bow staff it could very well be a stronger trident but they just don't want to use it.)

  Ruby squad (Putting them in one): A group of 6 Crystal gem Ruby's that fought against homeworld.

Looks: They look just like your standard Rubies.

Likes: Pranking, helping out Sapphire(Mc), Jokingly calling Sapphire(Mc) my "Clarity" to get her flustered, (more will be added later)

Gem location: 3 have them on their arms, 2 have them on their legs, and 1 has one on their cheek.

Gem weapon: All of them have daggers.

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