Chapter 10: Walk?

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Talking: Yeet
Shouting: Yeet!
Whispering: Yeet...
Tiny writing(Diar- Journal): 'Yeet'



Dear Diary, today was a typical slow day for me, so I was essentially doing my normal self appointed chores, meaning my day went something like this; Waking up 'Yes I sleep', Make food for myself and Amethyst since she likes to eat my food and not Red's for some reason?

I the get the Rubies to the Coffee Shop, then check on stock or ingredients that might be needed. Ordered more Cookie Cats, then stocked ingredients, Red started putting the other Rubies to work by making them help bake or clean around the shop.

After that I left Ren in charge of the the front counter because they're less likely to goof off or be too loud, sure they're not a people person but they're pretty good now since they're used to it.

With that out of the way I was free all day so I decided to take a walk by myself, until it was no longer just me since Spinel also wanted to come with.

It was a pretty good walk in nature but that's not the reason I took this walk, it was so I could sort the memories of the shard inside my gem "stomach" and also count the completed gems I have.

Which is two Amethyst, 1 Peridot, and I also of two half completed gems, which one is a Sapphire like me and a Pearl.

Now onto sorting the memories which you might be curious about, you see after everytime I get a shard I get pieces of their memories, which is helpful since I didn't know how to do a lot of gem things until I fuse with that first shard monster when I first woke up.

When I complete a gem I can basically look though their entire life and also gain the memories of their skills.

Since most of the shard I find are combat oriented it has caused me to actually know to fight with my weapon, and it also carries over with fusion like my special abilities, what I'm referring to is that Laze doesn't know how to fight but Glacier does.

Though it doesn't mean I am fully capable of utilising the "muscle" memory of the gem shards is because most of those gem were bulkier and taller than me basically because of the different body shapes, so it mostly doesn't fully translate to my small body or some of my other fusions bodies.

It doesn't mean that I can't use those memories as a guideline to help me fight. Though I also get memories that are unless or I just don't want to know about like how gems slaughtered organics on different planet, which is why I get help from Raphael on filtering memories that might useful to me or that I just don't want to see.

Anyways I don't always check the full memory of a gem because I thought I didn't need to, I thought that they might always be friendly, I was wrong with that Gasper gem.

The most I've seen of the previous gems I've brought out are just pieces, I wasn't careful before but now I'm gonna be.

Right in the forest with Spinel I'm look though important memories of the Amethysts and the Peridot, so far it's looks like one Amethyst was a Crystal gem and the other two are Homeworld gems.

Now the Homeworld Amethyst never really fought they were just a guard, which looks like they died to slipping from the top of a tower and hit their gem...

'That's a sucky way to shatter.'

But here's a neat gem, a Era 1 Peridot, by the looks of it they are basically the usual IT guy that's supposed to fix everything they're told to do sometimes outrageous requests too, or sometimes grunt work for this Peridot because their told too. So think they would appreciate not having to work 24/7 and relax here on Earth.

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