Chapter 6: opening a Bakery!

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Talking: Yeet
Shouting: Yeet!
Whispering: Yeet
Tiny writing(Diar- Journal): 'Yeet'



Sapphire Pov-

Hello diar- I mean journal, this is definitely not a dairy...

Today- er, a few days ago I discovered that there were some plot holes or missing things here, by what I mean is that some things that are supposed to happen or exist in the show, just don't.

With the discovery of plot holes, I decided to look closely at beach city and found out Big Donut doesn't exist, how I didn't notice soon explains a lot about my observations skills, and well it's more like Mr. Smilely never bought the building and open a donut shop, tho the building is still there.

So decided to open a bakery to make money, Juno just in case I need it, which I have gotten quite a large sum over the years mostly cause I don't really spend it, it would also get the Ruby squad something to do.

'Also free labor, Yay!~'

Also Red makes good pastries, the only hard part was buying the building since technically I have no legal papers, sure I have the money in hard cash but I don't have a legal ID to open a credit card.

So to solve that I decided to do what any rational person would do...

'I blackmailed the mayor~'
I visited our local mayor.

'I Threatened him to help me~'
He was happy to help me get an ID.

'I blackmailed him with forged pictures of him taking bribes~'
All I had to do was give some pretty pictures.

With the new ID, I got a credit card and contacted the local agency that owns that building, and manage to negotiate with them to drop the price a bit.

After that I became an "official" citizen of Beach city, as well as a property owner, then I just had to clean the building then get furniture that fits with what theme I want since the building was basically empty and a lot more bare-bones compared to the big donut.

I almost decided to go for a cat cafe or a maid cafe theme mixed with a bakery but decided against it so I made it to make it a cozy cafe where they could eat their pastries and relax, I also got a stable internet connection for the first time since I been using my phone data to use the internet, and I decided to make the internet free but very protected.

I have the floor as polished wood, I also had couches put up in the front with coffee tables with carpet put underneath them and normal cafe-style tables & chairs, then I had a clear display for the sweets, then I got the supplies I needed for the cafe, Juno things like sugar, flour and stuff like straws & napkins.

Now I just need the employees...

Here the thing tho, I didn't tell the gems I was opening a store, to them, I had been sneaking out to do something every afternoon for the past two days.

So after getting the store ready I went to the temple and burst through the doors!

Inside the temple it was a pretty slow day so most were there, they were also surprised by my sudden entrance.

I told them to all come with me immediately, I made myself seem worried & and in a hurry so absolutely they panic a little thinking that the town might be under attack or something so they immediately followed me.

As soon as I burst through the doors and said that I turned around and started to run with the others behind me, it didn't take long for us to reach my new shop.

I stopped in my tracks right in front of the entrance and turn and fling my arms open as if were presenting a sword to Link because it was dangerous to go alone...

My dress was a little messed up because I was running and I didn't pick it up but I had a big smile on my face.

They were confused about why I brought them to a random store, but when I explained that it was my store they were shocked that I did this.

While they were still processing the things I told them like how I asked the mayor 'Blackmailed him', I asked if any of them wanted to work here.

Pearl was interested because she read a book on how to manage a business and wanted to see if they applied to real life.

I got the Ruby squad to work here cause they thought it would be fun.

I manage to get Red to work here so she could teach the other Ruby to make pastries and sweets.

That was yesterday, today is the first time we open and it seems to be going well so far.

I saw a young Sadie and Laz... they were neat.

And because of those two I decided to plan for the future, and started to make plans, I also decided to make sure that I hire Sadie and Laz in the future.

That's all for today, goodbye Diary- I mean Journal! This is definitely not a Diary.


Done sorry it's shorter the usual, I'm trying to think of ideas for this book before I even touch canon.

Here are some memes for comparison!

Here are some memes for comparison!

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Birb: I found this funny!

Birb: I felt like this once

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Birb: I felt like this once.

Birb: I laughed more than I should have!

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Birb: I laughed more than I should have!

If I find spelling errors or sentences that make no sense I'll fix them.

Me updating my stories will be slow, I'm sorry.

959 Words.

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