Chapter 5: A little spar

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Talking: Yeet
Shouting: Yeet!
Whispering: Yeet



(A/n - Before I forget, The gems are usually referred to as female in the show, but still, they technically don't have gender but they are preferred to be viewed as female to show off their ??elegance??, or at least that's what I heard Pearl say last time I watched the show, but I'm still going to say "she" & "her".)

Sapphire POV-

Dear Journal

It has been almost a month, and Steven moves in tomorrow, which is what I thought but apparently, it was one of the many possible futures, he should be coming here farther into the future because currently, Steven is around the age of a 1st-grade elementary schooler.

Okay anyways, so my latest fusion with Laze has been... well... Relaxing, just yesterday, as Glacier, we fell asleep and took a two-day long nap on top of the temple! Ok, it was more like sleeping but still...

Laze's appearance is close to Lapis in the future episodes but with more Fluffy hair and with diamond symbols on her body like most homeworld gems, tho it got replaced with star symbols in a few days.

Okay so speaking of Laze, her personality matches her name except instead of the Y it's an E, tho not sloth incarnate, Laze is a relaxed person and easy to get along with, the other things about her are that she likes going with the flow of things and watching waves, but she also seems to be the type of person that doesn't respect you if she thinks your actions and words as negative, which I did not know until a few days after meeting her. I and her hit it off and became quick friends, plus it seems she likes me around... I think?

Okay so Laze has made friends with Garnet which they both go off to talk to each other, tho I'm not sure what about, but one time overheard Laze talking about our fusion & also me in general with Garnet, for some reason Garnet seems excited at this, it was something along the lines of "I like being close to Sapphire, even being fus-." but that's about it I couldn't hear more, they are good friends... I think...? I'm not the best at reading emotions sometimes.

Pearl seems to be annoyed more than weary of Laze like she was with me or Spinel, and the ruby squad which is probably because of Laze's layback personality, but she doesn't mind since Laze helps out and will do important things if asked or will do if asked nicely in general. Amethyst found her fun and the only gem with "Chill," not sure what that means but okay, they became friends quickly.

Spinel is well Spinel and immediately wanted to be friends. Ruby squad seems fine with them and included them in on pranks. Red & Ren seems to have some friendly invisible rivalry that I'm not sure what about when I ask Raphael they just sigh!? Not sure why tho I have a clue because one day I came back from a walk from visiting the places that I go to sit and watch earth's nature and heard them yelling something along the lines of ''We're the better fusion partners for Saphy!'' And ''Not true!'' And bam, when I opened the door, they went quiet. When I asked what they were yelling about they tried to act dumb, it's probably embarrassing for them to talk about so I decided to ignore it or not bring it up, Juno like a dense anime protagonist.

Now, Glacier seems to be almost as lazy as Laze but in moderation but still enjoys naps, and seems to have some of my recent interests which are music and naps, they usually always have a pair of earbuds on, sometimes some other gems try to talk to only to find out we have earbuds in, which doesn't really bother anyone too much besides Pearl.

Now the first time Glacier fought was just the other day when we were sitting straight up napping with Spinel on our lap like a cat, and Pearl went up to wake us to ask a question but found we were still wearing earbuds while napping and got super annoyed. Glacier was woken up eventually because of Pearl shaking us, you could tell she was irritated, and she said, "Come with me and let's spar Glacier!" With some annoyance in her tone, but still trying to be polite. Glacier not bothered, just goes "Yea let's spar, dude."

Pearl took us with Spinel coming too since they were on our lap, they woke up and wanted to watch us fight, so Pearl took us to a gladiator ring or Colosseum in the sky.

Let me say this fight went south for Pearl pretty much immediately.

So there we were standing with each other readying to fight.

Pearl said, "I hope after you lose this match you will-"

Glacier didn't let Pearl finish as they manipulated the moisture in the air and turn it into balls of water, which they froze making a bunch of icicles that they shot toward Pearl.

Glacier didn't let Pearl finish as they manipulated the moisture in the air and turn it into balls of water, which they froze making a bunch of icicles that they shot toward Pearl

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Hitting both her and the floor which Pearl dodged, Pearl then tried to dash at me but it seem my ice it is more slippery than I thought, causing her to trip onto her face.

Glacier then said, "Are we done?" she seems mad that I said that. To respond to her being upset Glacier said "You good?" while she looked mad Pearl calmly said "I want a rematch... :

So for the next few hours, Glacier & Pearl spar until Pearl stops, Glacier fought Pearl with long-range attacks, and when Pearl gets close Glacier uses a trident made of ice, and since Pearl had more experience in fighting close corridors Pearl usually wins in those fights.

While the most amount of wins goes to Glacier since they mostly use long-range attacks, Pearl is more skilled so whenever she got close enough to have her spear reach she usually won the fight.

Anyways Pearl got tired? No, she just didn't want to fight anymore, so she stopped.

Pearl seems to have gotten over Glacier being lazy, which she just said to have them go back to the Temple.

Though Spinel was impressed by our spar, and she that we were cool. We went back to the Temple, and I unfused myself from Laze I said goodbye to her and went to my room so I could write this down, did mention have a room in the temple now? Well, I do, don't know how it happened but it happened.



If I find spelling errors or sentences that make no sense I'll fix them.

Sorry for not updating and right now my update for my stories will be slow, I'm sorry.

Have this meme in return

Have this meme in return

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1156 words.

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