Chapter 1

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Some 2000 years ago, two gods fell in love. One was none other than Hades him self. He was known as The god of the underworld. On the other hand was Athena. She was known as the goddess of war. The pair met under strange circumstances. But upon first sight, they were captivated with one another. Intrigued enough to start seeing each other. They knew that a relationship of the sort was very un heard of and not supported. But they pursued the relationship anyway, ignoring all the red flags. And at the time, no one believed in a relationship between good and evil. None the less, they fell in love. Two polar opposite people who's love was doomed from the start.

After a few months of being together , they had made a decision to be Eternally Bonded. Eternally bonded is when two gods seek the highest form of a relationship. An eternal bond consists of a blood ritual. It also binds the two said people for life. But it can be broken. Make no mistake. It also heightens all their senses. This includes feelings, lust, love. Leaving Everything as one, for all of eternity.

Then 1 year into their Eternal bond, Athena found out she was pregnant. She was going to give birth to twins. One boy and one girl. Mid way through her pregnancy, Hades had found another to love, as he was tired of Athena. They always fought and argued. And hades eventually had enough. So he started to see some one else. It was None other than Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Hades fell hard for Aphrodite. How could he not? She was the goddess of love for a reason. Most who laid eyes upon Aphrodite, fell in love deeply. She was gorgeous with her long black locks, and her sea blue eyes that always captivated any one who looked at them. Hades pursued Aphrodite with all his might. In hopes to build a future with her, instead of Athena. After awhile, Aphrodite gave in to Hades, and she offered her love to him. So Hades dis mantled Athena from her high horse as his eternal love.

He declared that Aphrodite would be his eternal love instead. As Aphrodite had truly captured the heart of Hades. However, the bond is un breakable until both parties agree to dismantle their eternal bond. Hades had agreed yet Athena did not. Hades had told Athena that if she did not agree, She would come to regret it. How ever Athena took on Hades challenge. For Athena did not plan to let Hades go. She loved him deeply. So to prove her self worthy. She declined his request to dismantle their bond.

So In the end, Athena was left to raise her children alone. But Upon their birth, Hades showed his face one last time. He requested that his children be given names of his choosing. In return he would dismantle any future relationship with the twins. Athena had agreed, eager to keep her children's best interest at heart. So Hades named his children Zionaiah and Zion. For they were special names. Once given to the greatest gods to ever live. He kept true to his word. After naming his children, he never showed his face again. He could have tried to contact his children. But in the end, he knew that evil had plagued his heart. And he didn't want the same fate for his children as he had. He chose their names wisely. He wanted them to have strong names, ones that would represent them. But also to keep them strong willed and help them understand that The evil that plagued him was built and not born. He didn't want to plague his children with the darkness inside. So he gave them the best names, with the greatest meanings. Back then, A name with meaning was everything in the world of the gods. So he did his best and he never looked back.

For the next 200 years, Athena felt every betrayal of Hades. Everytime that he lusted for Aphrodite, including any sexual participation. Yet she pushed on. She did not let it affect her. She wanted to prove that Hades was not as strong as he thought, then maybe he would once again return to her.

When the children reached the age of 200. The gods them selfs had gathered.

The matter at hand were Zionaiah and Zion. The gods decreed that it was time that they take their place among the others. So they had a meeting on the matter. The gods had determined that the children were born half evil and half good. Because of such matter, they decided to give them a title that fit them the best. One that contained the same as their souls. So they had agreed to make them children of the moon. As the sun was still shining behind it. Representing the evil that may burn them up. But the moon for the kindness that never strays from their hearts. A kindness that can outshine any evil present. Upon this decree. The twins both received a special gift from the gods. The gift was of creation.

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