Chapter 17

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A week had passed since I found out everything. I was already training. Increasing my speed and senses. I also got to recite some of the spells from my past life. Training would consist of 1 entire month of learning, well refreshing my memory from my past life. The only thing I lacked was my physical ability, and I had not shifted yet. My dad had assured me that my wolf would come at some point during my training period. He says that if I can increase my physical strength that my transition into my wolf would be easier on the pain scale. Once I obtain my wolf sense, I would get my vampire spirit as well. I would grow my fangs, and my connection with the vampire covens would be opened.

So far, I had been doing nothing but physical exercise, or as I like to call it , torture. I was made to run laps, do push ups, set ups, and more. Even though it had only been a week, I was stronger. I could feel it to my core. George was my trainer. I thought because he was my brother and we grew up together that he would take it easy on me. But he told me that on the field im not his sister. Im a weapon. The greatest weapon to be wielded. And I needed to act that way. I would get no special treatment. Let's just say , that flat out sucked.

I haven't had any contact with my mother or other siblings since then. They are staying back at the pack, in their original home. Before they were forced to up root because of me. I've also not had any contact with Giovanni or Aurora. Let alone any one pertaining to my past life. Im not allowed to have contact, it's for my protection. Once the month is up, im still not allowed contact with anyone from my past life. Other than Aurora. I was still being kept under wraps from Giovanni. It was crappy because we have so much to talk about. I feel awful that I had married him and he was actually mates with my best friend. But there isn't anything I can do about it any time soon. My dad wouldn't let me have my phone, so it's not like I had a way to speak with any one.

Once my month of training is up, I'll be apart of my dads pack. It's called the Astral Pack. Also known as AP. It means "from the stars." It's got 5000 pack members. 5 pack houses, and hundreds of smaller houses for families. It contains a house built just for the alpha and Luna. As well as barracks for our warriors who are on Patrol. They had told me that it was settled in the woods on 10 thousand acres. Very open and beautiful. They had their own farmers markets, schools, stores and even a town. It seemed pretty awesome the way they had described it to me. I was just excited to have interaction with any one other than my dad and my brother. I love them to death, but sheesh. A woman gets lonely.

Another 2 weeks had went by. I've yet to get my wolf. But my physical strength had increased. My powers of the knowing were wide open. I could sense anyones feelings, their intentions. It was pretty cool. There is a way to hide it from me though. It's called Junio. It's a plant that is found in the wild. Hard to find to be exact, pretty rare. By consuming it, it weakens the effect of witches senses, power and also the knowing. The knowing is also a rare ability. It comes from the witches side. Only 40 witches have ever been known to obtain the power. All together I'm a species that was never meant to exist, yet was made any way.

I was mid run, about 6 laps in on a half acre lot. I was tired, but I wasn't exaughsted. I was just trying to make it through my 10 laps. When all of a sudden I felt a pain growing from my chest. It was like it burst within me. I fell to my knees, sweat pouring from my head. My bones aches so badly, like some one was beating me with a bat. Breaking all my bones. I was screaming in agony, when my father and brother appeared in front of me. My brother looked scared, freaked completely out. While
On the other hand, my dad had a knowing expression. Before I could study their expressions any more. My father was pouring water on me, trying to cool me down. I could hear him cooing at me, trying to relax me. I knew right then that it was my shift. I was getting my wolf. My bones began to re align, and fur began to sprout. Next thing I knew, the pain had ceased, and I was left standing on all fours. I could see my white fur, as it sprouted from my paws. It was amazing. Since I had completed the shift once before, I was reminded of how things work. I didn't stagger not once. I was ready to get a feel of my wolf again. I looked right at my father for instructions. He just nodded his head, and before I knew it. He was speaking in my mind. It honestly startled me. Considering it's been a long time since my last shift.

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