Chapter 8

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I woke up to my alarms going off. I had roughly 30 minutes to be at work. Although I'm my own boss. I like to set strict rules for my self. I do have a secretary. But She has had the last 4 months off for her pregnancy. Shes a very sweet respectable woman. And She's actually the daughter of one of mothers childhood friends. Her husband was in the military, and was currently on leave for the birth of their child. Such a sweet family.

I hopped out of bed and threw on some skinny jeans, and a loose black tee. I laced my camo boots up and kissed Giovanni's forehead. I quickly wrote a note and headed down for a couple muffins to take to work. I didn't have time to mess around today. So I grabbed me 2 chocolate chip muffins and a bottle of water and headed out to work. I was need for speed yet I arrived at 7:59. Exactly one minute to spare. Hell you can't beat that.
Pretty good if you ask me honestly.

I unlocked the door and made my way to set in my chair. After getting comfortable, I started munching on my muffins and pulled Aurora's file out of the cabinet. I laid it to the side and unlocked my computer.

I logged in and pulled up my tracker page. I noticed she was at one location for most of the night. A set of apartments specifically , it might be where she lives. Yet I have no solid proof. Then She was at Luca's for dinner. About 3 hours or so.

I wrote down the information on a page. Then opened her file. I didn't want to even look. Because I was afraid of the answers I might get by going through it. Hoping this would be the end to this. At the same time, I wanted to know who she was. I was really In between. This was my chance to find out the truth. And if I didn't. Well I know she's nothing but a lie. I know curiosity kills the cat. I would end up asking her about it. I guess I just need to go with the flow. Everything happens for a reason.

I pulled out the number for the men who had recruited me for this case. I dialed it and put my phone on speaker .

It rang a few times before they had picked up.

"Hello, I presume you have information for us, if so. I must say I'm impressed. It didn't take little to no time."

"I do. I have the address of the person of interest. You may pick it up today. I must tell you though. I'm not certain of her exact address. This is the first place I tracked her for an over night trip."

"Quick work I might say. It's only been almost 3 days. We will be there in 30 minutes. Stand by for further instructions."


They hung up . It was weird how short they were with me. But to be fair , it's a serious case. It had to be for all the precautions. As well as the contract your required to sign. Which really tells me that something serious is going on here.

I finished nibbling on my muffins and checked my emails. And right on schedule the men entered the office.

I slid the file across my desk. With the information i I pertained clipped in the folder. Mr.Sokolov picked up the packet . He quickly scanned what I had wrote.

He gave me a nod and slid an envelope my way with the cash in it. Before I can reach it he stops me.
"We will need you to track her. We want her whereabouts for the next month. Report back to us on or before the 1st. Payment will be doubled."

"I'm not sure if I can continue this case. It's complicated."

"Understand this Mrs.Jones. It isn't an option. We are telling you. Simple as that. We will be in touch."

With that , they walked out of my office. File in hand...


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