Chapter 13

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Demetria's POV

I had spent the night in my car. It was really unfortunate as it really took a toll on my body. My back was hurting like a bitch, and my head was killing me from crying so much last night. To topple things off, my phone was dead and my Eyes were still puffy and irritated.

I was honestly broken, lost and hurt. The betrayal of my husband , and the betrayal of a so called friend. I knew better than to trust her. And now I can't even trust my husband. But I knew they were sneaking around. I guess I hadn't fully accepted what they were doing. And I definitely didn't expect them to be screwing around in our home. So I guess that's what really sent me over the edge. I was prepared to let go the fact he took vacation all week and I'm sure had plans to see her. Yet The one person who was supposed to be my best friend. My whole world. He had taken up a liking to some one else. Now that I've fully seen what they have been doing together. It just honestly broke my heart. My heart was hurting , my mind was racing. Why did i have to feel this way.

I decided I needed time. To get away from Giovanni , Aurora and my life. So I decided to go straight to the source of my greatest comfort growing up... my Parents. My dad always knew what to say in times like these. Like When I was a freshman in high school, I had thought I was in love with Jordy. He was the QB for the high school and had a killer personality. He was everything I wished to have in a spouse. He did everything I wanted and never pushed me into anything I didn't want to do. He always made sure I was comfortable. To top it off, his mother had told me that I was the first female he had ever brought home. Let alone shown any interest in. I felt special, like a princess or some shit.

We dated for 2 years and the following summer after my sophomore year. I caught him cheating on me with the head cheerleader. Cliche right? Turns out that he only dated me and brought me to meet his parents because his parents had been meddling in his dating life. His mom was curious as to why he had never brought a girl home. So to draw attention from the life he wanted to live, he pursued me. It was really a shitty ending. But thankfully I got over it. My dad was the one to comfort me. He told me then that Jordy didn't deserve some one like me. I was special and destined for great things some day. He said I would see my worth and power when I grew up. I never understood completely what he meant.

What power could I possibly obtain? Even now, as an adult. I still don't see the power my father claims I would possess. But that didn't matter, with each broken heart I received , my father was there to pick me back up and fix me. I was a daddies girl after all.

After 25 minutes, I was pulling into my parents house. Their house was big. Mom never liked us kids having to share rooms. She said that invaded our personal space. And that it suppresses our "creative side" because we would Feud about where things went, and the colors of the room. Plus the fact one would be messy and the other was a neat freak. Too many arguments led to her and dad just up and build a new house. It was 3 stories big and had 7 bedrooms. One for each of us kids, and one for my parents.

Even now they dwelled in that big house. 3 of my brothers were still in high school and 2 of them were grown. So our rooms were left un touched. They sat just the way we had left them.

The second I knocked on the door, it swung open revealing my father with open arms. I didn't bother to ask how he knew something was wrong.

He sat me in the kitchen and made my favorite hot coco that always set me at ease in a way. Dad always said his secret ingredient was love. But in reality it was just the extra marshmallows he added that made it so good.

"Here darling. I knew you would eventually come to me. Tell me princess, what has gotten you so rattled.? Is it that husband of yours, I swear I'll kill him. Just give me the signal."

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