Editors note

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Hey guys. I had originally posted 12 chapters. As I went back and read them. I then realized how rushed they truly were. I either didn't have the right words, or didn't give enough explanation to the story. The story in general was rushed. I was excited to be writing for you guys. Yet I didn't realize how quickly and fast paced I had wrote the prior chapters. Due to that, I have taken down the whole book and revised the chapters. Most of the plot will stay the same. Other parts were re written all together. I have officially revised the first few chapters. I have posted them up as you can see. These revisions were necessary for the sake of the book. I hope you can all bare with me , as I triumph the revisions. Thanks for all your support. Please comment, like and follow my book.

Authors note: This is my first official book. Through the years I've read MANY books. I love to get lost in the false reality of the stories I've read. I've wrote a lot in my life time, and never took it too serious. But now here I am, attempting to write my first official book. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome. No rude comments are allowed. I do ask that all my readers keep an open mind when it comes to this book. I have my plot complete and I have many notes on where I want to take this book exactly. It's just how to put my story into words... none the less, this plot will blow your mind. All the books I've read through out the many many years, have never had anything similar to the plot I wish to portray. Be kind , and keep an open mind. I hope you join me in the journey of this book. Thank you all.

I once had faith in life, when everything was alright
Dreams that were so big, now they do not exist
I question my self, with grief within, I won't see who I should of been
For the person I am is not truly me, I question my identity
Who are they, why do they lie
How could it not eat them alive
Her helpless mind, lost some time.
Her heart completed, soon depleted
Her dreams were strong, where did she go wrong?
Who are they, why do they lie
How could it not eat them alive
I don't know him or her, it's a become such a blur
The truth will come, they no need to hide
For I can see the truth in their lies
A choice will be offered
Life or death
How could I chose, I don't understand just yet
Both ways are right, they both put up a fight
One is bad, but wears a mask
A mask of peace, but lies they hide
To make a choice, in so little time
Join me for my battle for it is time

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