Chapter 6

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So Aurora was actually Maria..? Or was Maria her fake name and Aurora was her real name...? This is just insane.. who the fuck was she? What has she done? Why are the Russians looking for her? I didn't know who my best friend was any more. All I know is that she had to get the fuck out of my house. I can't tell her anything. And i certainly didn't want to tip her off. Maybe I'll invite my brother over. He would be a great distraction. And also a good reason as to why she needs to leave. Also my brother hasn't been to stay in at lease a year.

Hopefully her place is done by then... besides it shouldn't take that long for them to fix some water damage, right? Unless that was a total lie too. At this point, I didn't give a fuck. I don't trust her. And my trust had been faltering to begin with.

The agreement was I know nothing. I don't know who they really are. Or who it is they work for. And I sure as heck don't know why they want this information.

For the matter I know nothing. Zilch, zip, nada.... Just the small information given to me on her.The thing about this job is That I don't really have to follow her, since I know her so well. But do I Really? I can't continue on much longer at this pace. I need to distance my self from her. As I just want to scream at her to tell me who the hell she really is.

Maybe I could check her license to get the address. Then I'll follow her just to make sure it's right. She had recently moved and I hadn't been to her new pad yet. And who knows, what if she did give me an address but that's not where she actually lives. And she is just trying to fool me.

I mentally debated on calling my brother. Because I wasnt for sure if I wanted to bring him into this. Danger was edged into my mind, eating at my subconscious. Something didn't set right about any of it. The Russian men, Aurora or the infatuation she had with Giovanni. None the less, there was one man for the job, George my oldest brother. It was a half and half in my family. As half of the boys looked liked my father. My father stood at 6'3. He has blonde hair that is kept in a military buzz and beautiful blue eyes. They were the same color as the early morning sky. He was very built in the muscle department. At 52 years old, my father looked about 30, and not a single day older. His looks seemed to never fade. The 3 oldest boys looked just like him.

I had 5 brothers, then there was me. I had 3 younger brothers as well as two older ones. The youngest two boys are twins. Lucas, and John then there is George, me, Dredon, and Daniel being the oldest.

As the twins look like my mother. She had red curly hair just pash shoulder length. With Green eyes that had a beautiful tint of hazel. Just like mine. She stood at 5'8 and was also very built as well. At 50, just like my father. She didn't look a day past 30. And my brothers had the personality of my mother. All but one, and that was George. He had the personality of my father. Very stern yet respectful. He always had this powerful pull to him. One that demanded respect. He always kept secrets, and when he trusted you, he trusted you with everything in him.

So I ended up deciding to go with George. He was never one to ask questions. He mostly kept to him self. But me and George were always inseparable. We grew up to be amazing friends. George understood me and I him. He also knew how to respect boundaries. He knew I would never jeopardize his safety or mine. I know that he would do anything for me. And I would do just the same for him. I just hope that bringing him into this won't put him in any danger.

I guess here goes nothing. Time to put on my big kid pants. I know he will agree, but it's still a favor none the less. I hope he don't let me down. So I pulled out my phone and went to my contacts. I located George's contact , crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.




To my surprise it didn't ring long.

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