Chapter 5

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I was a little anxious to see my parents. It always seemed like they had the answers to any questions I had. And boy did I have a few on my mind.

I unlocked their front door. Since I had a key. My parents always wanted me to feel welcome. And know that I could come home when ever I wanted.

"Ma, Dad!! I'm home!"

Did I mention I'm big on making entrances at my parents expense?

"Demetria is that you?" My ma had yelled from the kitchen.

"Ya ma, it's me!"

I knew I smelled something good. And if my senses are telling the truth. She's making my favorite dessert. I quickly bolted into the kitchen, trying to find answers to my suspicions. Upon arrival, I almost ran into the table. The same table I could have sworn sat in the corner last time I was here. Maybe I'm imagining shit. I was really about to pull out my brains with questions. But I was saved when the smell once again brought me to my senses.

"Ma , is that German chocolate cake!!"
I looked at her so hopeful. I don't think my nose would betray me. My mother turned to me with a smile upon her face.

"Yes hunny, I had a feeling you would be coming by. You know we have mother's intuition ."
My heart jumped at the realization. She did always know when I was troubled. Almost like she could sniff it out.
"Ma , I swear you could be a soothsayer."

My mother was a genuine lady. Although she had black hair, with blue eyes. She was a thin yet tough woman. Always training and being active her self. That all I could remember in my whole life that she was constantly doing. It was one of the main things we shared interest in. So what if I didn't look like her. You know how things could be. Any mutation or any thing could of happened to cause me not to look like her. I'll never question it. She is my mother, she raised and loved me to the best of her ability . I was brought from my thoughts when once again, my mother was speaking.

"Well sweetheart , It's only a mothers intuition."
She had the most beautiful smile. It could enchant any one who had looked upon her for too long. Wondering where my father was, I of course had to ask.

"Where's pops?"

She was quick with her reply, as if knowing I would question her about it. As I generally speak with him first. We're extremely close. Ever since I was a baby, I've been attached to him at the hip.

"He is still at work dear. He isn't due home for another hour , give or take."
Of course his ass would be at work. I completely forgot about his job and his "adult responsibilities." I'm just so used to him being here every time I arrive.

"Makes sense, he's usually the first person to greet me. No matter what part of the house he is in."

A moment of silence had passed before I opened up to my mother. She was still apart of my support system. Plus I needed some one to speak with. And who better to do that with other than my mother.

"But that's not why I'm here ma. I wanted to talk to you about something that's been setting at the back of my mind..."

She looked at me with questioning in her eyes.

"You want my advice don't you? I'm glad you came to me first. I may not always have the best of answers. But you know I'll tell you my honest thoughts."

I went on to tell my mother about Giovanni and Aurora. How I caught them cuddling. All the way to how he came to the hotel.
She didn't look alarmed with concern. Yet I was honestly curious.
"I don't understand how he knew I was there..? I used cash so he couldn't track my card."

There was a deadly silence as ma thought about what I had just told her. I mean it's a lot. And there's plenty of holes in the story.

I've never been one to be suspicious... However now I am. I have every right to feel this way. Right.....?

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