Chapter 29

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Sergey's POV

I had been dreaming of her for days. I wanted, no needed her in my arms. I missed her, and the bond was driving me mad. I had slept in her room every single night. Just to get a smell of her, since it was the closest thing I had to her, other than pictures from her previous life.

I never got any of her in this life. But her beauty never faded. She was still as flawless and beautiful as the last time we had met. I hate to admit that I miss her. I wish not to tell any one, or they might think I have gone soft.

My coronation as King would be 2 weeks from now. I knew that if she made it, and I pray to the moon god that she does, then I would announce her as my queen.

She was everything I needed in a mate, I cannot believe that I let my father have that big of an impact, knowing just how evil he was.

Z never made me weak, only strong. With her at my side, I could do anything. After all. She was made as a weapon. I do love her. But If war were ever to break out. She would be by my side fighting on the front line.

We could be an unstoppable duo, and no one would dare challenge me. She would make me complete in many ways. I just hope she comes home soon.


A few days had passed, and I had not heard from her. I heard the rumors about my fathers escape. I knew who he would go after first, and it was her.

There was nothing I could do to protect her, my kind would not take kindly to participating in a war that involved the werewolf community. They considered them to be selfish.

They never helped us, why would my people agree to help them.. I had thought about this all day long...

I had made it through half a days of work in the office when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my heart. It felt as if some one was tearing me apart from the inside out.

I clutched my chest in pain. After a few minutes, the physical pain had gone, but the emotional damage took a massive toll on me....

It had felt as if I was no longer complete, like my soul was ripped in two. And that's when I knew, she had met her tragic end...

I made it to my mothers secret garden in a flash. The moment I shut the door, I fell to my knees with my face in my hands. I was crying. Red has stained my face from my tears. (Vampires cry blood).

She left me here, she's gone. That monster! He killed my precious Z! First my mother had left me, then she followed suite. And the moment I finally get her back, he takes her from me once again. HOW DARE HE!

Hours had passed that I had sat here. My tears now dried to my face long ago . I had nothing left to cry.. my heart is broken. I am broken...

I looked up to the moon.

"Z if you can hear me, just know that if you ever come back.... I'll be here, I'll wait for you... I promise... You know that I never make a promise that I can't keep.."

This was my last message to her. I hope that she finds me once again. Maybe in another lifetime....


Dear Journal,

It's been 2 months since she had passed. I had not originally had this idea to write about how I feel. But my therapist said it would help. So here I am, spilling my feelings onto a blank page...

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