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Karai takes a long deep breath. 'You can do this.' She convinces herself before walking in the lair with a box in her hands.

Splinter was in the dojo meditating but he woke from it when he heard his daughter come in. He looked at her curiously. Karai looked down and bit her bottom lip nervously. "I...uh...brought you an apology gift. I was out of line yesterday; I was just really upset about everything that happened...which is not an excuse!" She quickly said. "But-I...here just take it."

Karai put the box in front of him and Splinter opened it up. It was a cheesecake. He looked at her slightly amused. "Did you just assume because I'm a rat that I would like cheesecake?"

Karai blushed. "Well, I mean, I know my appetite and taste buds changed after I mutated. Now, I keep craving for ra- I mean, mice!" Splinter chuckled at her and patted a spot next to him, telling her to join him. She hesitated a bit before doing so.

"Actually, cheesecake was my favorite when I was human as well." Splinter said and Karai smiled about learning something new about her father. He sighed. "I believe I owe you an apology as well." Karai looked taken back. "What do you have to apologize to me for?"

"I was a bit too harsh with you. I know that you are going through a lot. Finding your place and processing everything Shredder put you through. I was just stressed about Leonardo, Donatello, and you. My eldest son was going behind my back while my other son and daughter almost got killed in an explosion."

"But all of that is my fault! I'm the one who let Leo join me in my vendetta, I'm the one you set the bombs, and I'm the one who blew myself up, knowing that I may die doing so!"

Splinter nodded. "That may be true Miwa but...Leonardo is the leader, and he knows better, I expect him to make the right decisions, not you. You couldn't have possibly known that Donatello and the others were going to be there right when you set the bombs. As for you willingly blowing yourself up...that was irresponsible, dangerous, and reckless!"

Karai looked down, ashamed. "I hope you weren't too hard on, Leo, though. He was only trying to help me." Splinter shook his head. "No, I believe seeing his brother getting hurt because of his actions was punishment enough. Besides, I know his heart was in the right place and he was only trying to protect his family."

"Oh, sure, when Leo is reckless and irresponsible it's ok but when I do it, I can't even sit down for a week because you beat the hell out of me!" A new voice complains, and they look to see an annoyed looking Raph. "Raphael..." Splinter warns. "We have already discussed this."

Raph grumbles before looking at Karai. "What are you wearing your armor for? It's daylight, you aren't going on a mission or something right now, are you?"

Karai tensed slightly; her armor was the only thing she had to cover her scars. Everything else she had was either worn out or dirty. 'I really need to start learning how to do my own laundry.' She thought to herself. "No, I was hoping Leo and I could spare. If that's ok?" She asked, looking at Splinter. "It's fine with me but I'm afraid Leonardo has left to train on his own for a while. Yesterday's events left a grave wound on him."

Karai looked guilty at that. Of course, Leo would feel guilty for Donnie getting hurt, he always feels guilty every time something goes wrong but it wasn't his fault. Karai doesn't understand why everyone is placing the blame on Leo and not her.

"I'll spare with ya. That is if you can keep up?" Raph said with a big gloating smile. Karai looked surprised. This will be her first time sparring with Raph. She would be lying if she said she wasn't excited. She always wanted to challenge Raphael because he was the strongest of the turtles and she wanted to see if he was stronger than her as well...but she doubts it.

TMNT: Suicidal KaraiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora