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Couple Months later,

"Go, see if she is alright." Splinter ordered his sons and April. The power in the lair went out and they found out it was leading towards Shredder's old lair. "Hai, Sensei, we're on it!" April said determined.

"Ah, probably just a waste of time. Goodbye Bradford marathon." Raph joked, hiding his worry. "Let's go, team!" Leo ordered and the others followed but Raph hung back. "Uh, you guys go on without me! I'll catch up!" He called after and turned to Splinter. "Is everything alright, Raphael?"

Raph exhaled. "Not really, Sensei, there is something I need to tell you and it's going to sound crazy but...I need you to just hear me out."

Splinter nodded, allowing his son to continue. "See, a couple months ago...something...unexpected happened..."


Couple months ago,

Raph was staring in disbelief as he stared at the ghost of Tang Shen. "I-I don't understand! How are you here?! Why are you here?!" Shen sighed. "Listen, my son, I came here to warn you, it's about Miwa."

"Karai? What about Karai?"

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you much, but Miwa is fighting a very powerful darkness and she can only be saved by the ones who love her most. It will not be long before this darkness takes over her, I am counting on you, Raphael, to save your sister." Shen explained.

Raph looked eager and confused. "What darkness?! I-I don't understand!" Shen glanced away sadly. "...I can't tell you, if I do...then the chances of saving her are very low. Please, my son, you must save your sister, she is not ready to join me yet!"

"But why me?! How can I save her?! I'm just a jerk!" Shen smiled. "The people who care the most are my son." She then went to him and placed a hand on his chest. "I believe in you.."

Raph's eyes teared up and he looked down. That's the third time she called him that. She called him her son even though...they failed to save her, she still thought of them as her sons. Raph has always secretly thought of Tang Shen as his mom even though she was nothing but a picture. He still would imagine her being here with them and caring for them like he saw the mothers do on TV.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save you. We tried, I promise that we tried."

"Shhh." Shen gave him a soft smile and cupped his cheeks. "My son, you have nothing to apologize to me for. I know you tried to save me and I appreciate that but I'm glad that you didn't because if you did then I wouldn't have four amazing Koppas for sons."

Shen then started to fade, making Raph panic a little. "What's happening?!"

"It is time for me to go, remember what I told you, Raphael, Miwa is counting on you." She said before she vanished and Raph tried to reach for her. "Shen-Mother, wait!" But it was too late, Shen was gone.

Raph stared at where she disappeared sadly for a while before walking out his bedroom door. "Don't worry, Mom, I'll save Karai, I promise."


Splinter stared blankly at Raph. "Are...are you sure about this, Raphael?" Raph nodded. "I'm positive, Sensei. She told me that I had to save Karai from some darkness but I don't know what that so-called darkness is...do you think it's Shredder?"

Splinter hummed. "Maybe...go with your brothers...I must meditate on this."

"Hai Sensei!"


This had to be a joke. Standing before Karai was her fake abusive father...Shredder. Memories flash before he eyes as she listens to his pleas. So many memories happened in this very room. Some when she is below the stairs, bowing down to him, begging for forgiveness while he is standing by his throne, glaring at her with such fury.

Oh, how the times have changed.

Now she is the one standing proud by the throne and glaring at him with even more fury than he can ever hope to master while he is below the stairs looking so desperate and pathetic! The man even mutated himself just to get his revenge and to get her back. Well, Karai was not going to let that happen. As long as she is living she will make sure Shredder and his followers never succeed...until the day she dies...then she suppose it will be all up to her brothers and father.

"You're insane! You are the monster!" Karai shouted while pointing her sword at him, with an ice-cold glare. "You lie to yourself so much you come to believe an entire dream!"

"SILENCE!!" Shredder snapped. "I was there! I saw what happened! The night that he took your mother's life! I..saw it...I."

Karai rolled her eyes at him. Honestly, she doesn't know if this is just pure delusional, or he just thinks that she is that gullible. Shini smirk at me. "Let's take this crazy mutant down."

"Foot Clan! Attack!"

Karai ordered and as she expected they were all easily taken down. Karai wanted to see if Shredder's mutation had made him stronger so, (even though she felt guilty about it), she used her soldiers to see what he is capable of now so she knows what strategy she should use.

She and Shinigami then attacked. They lasted a lot longer than the Foot soldiers, but they still did not last long enough to even get a scratch on him. Karai was thrown away and she groaned as she landed hard on the ground.

Shini looked at her and then looked deadly at Shredder. "I'll destroy you, monster! For everything you have done to Karai!!" She vowed before poofing into thin air and appearing behind Shredder, attacking him.

Karai couldn't help but feel guilty, that once again she is putting her friend in danger and she is the one who is protecting her. Karai looks up when she hears Shini being taken down and saw that Shredder was about to break her skull with his giant foot.

'Come on, Karai, focus!' She scolded herself before turning into her snake form and attacking Shredder. She tried to get her fangs into his skin to poison him but they would not go through and she hissed in frustration. Shredder then grabbed her by the neck and threw her repeatedly on the ground.

Shredder then lifted her up as she turned back to human form. "I will let your friend go as a gesture of my love! But if you struggle, I will hunt her down and crush her into pulp!" He threatened while squeezing her tightly. "Understand?!"

Karai glared at him then looked at Shini before lowering her head in submission. She was terrified and would use all of her power to escape this man but she couldn't risk Shinigami's life. Shini has a whole life to live, she has a future, and even a small family. Karai...has none of that...her life didn't matter...only her's...only theirs.

As Karai was roughly pushed forward by Tigerclaw, those words he said to her plaid in her head. 'This world will not mourn you when you are gone!'

Maybe this was it, maybe today...Karai was going to die. Maybe...that won't be such a bad thing. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard what sounded like the Shellraiser. She couldn't help but feel annoyed.

'You guys have the worst timing ever!'

She watched as Leo attempted to ram Shredder, but Shredder caught the Shellraiser and lifted it up. "Tell your master I have my daughter back and if he wishes to see her one last time, come to where I last defeated him!!" He told them before throwing them away and to Karai's horror, the Shellraiser lit on fire!

"What have you done?!" She shouted at Shredder while glaring at him. Tigerclaw put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm yourself, girl, they escaped." Karai shoved him off and turned her glare to him. "Don't touch me, you overgrown cat!!"

"Enough!" Shredder shouted. "Put her in the van and let's go!"

'Please, Father, don't come! Just leave me, please!' Karai pleaded in her mind as she was thrown into a white van.

She doesn't understand it, but they always come to save her! Maybe it's out of guilt or maybe it's because they feel like they have to. Whatever the reason, Karai hopes that they don't come this time because she has a feeling...Splinter will not be able to fight Shredder as easily as he has before.

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