Family Talk

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Splinter sat next to his daughter and wrapped an arm around her. "We are willing to listen, Miwa but you do not have to force yourself if you are not ready." Karai shook her head. "No, I'm ready."

The turtles gathered around the bed, and they all listened to her closely. "It all started when Shini and I blew up the martial arts store. Tigerclaw was about to kill me, and he said, "This world would not mourn me when I am gone." I let his words get into my head because it was true. I have so many sins, sins I've tried months making up for, but I keep making the same mistakes! After I left that night, my blade called out to me, and I couldn't resist so I cut myself. I've been cutting myself every time I make a mistake out of punishment. The only reason I kept on living was because I wanted to help protect you guys from Shredder but after today, I see now that I'm only putting you in more danger and that you don't need me."

They all looked at Karai in shock, neither of them had any idea she felt this way. Leo was the first to speak. "Karai, of course we would mourn you if anything ever happened to you! You're our sister!" Karai shook her head. "But I tried to poised your brothers and I tried to kill Splinter."

"That wasn't your fault! Shredder mind controlled you!" Karai sniffed. "I could have fought it; I should have fought harder!" Donnie stepped up. "Karai, Stockman probably made the worms stronger than he did last time, making it impossible for you to fight it. It was hard for Raph to. Leo is telling you the truth, we would mourn for you, we did today! We love you, Karai."

"I have done way worse to you than your brothers. I almost fried your brain with that helmet."

"Again, you were mind controlled." Karai shook her head. "Not when I almost blew you up, I wasn't."

"N-No." Donnie stuttered a bit. "But you didn't know I was there; it wasn't like you did it on purpose. It was an accident." Karai frowned at him. "An accident is losing your keys, I almost killed you!" Donnie sighed. "Karai, I don't blame you. Honestly, If Shredder would have killed Sensei, I don't know what I would do but I know it wouldn't be anything good. I probably would be just as angry as you are for the loss of your mother and make tons of mistakes too. I think we all would." Donnie gestured to his brothers, and they all nodded in agreement.

"What about that time I beat up your girlfriend? I beat her up badly, I could have beaten her to death or worse, brought her to Shredder." Karai tested further and Donnie blushed when she said girlfriend. "You were still under Shredder's control-"

"He ordered me to bring April to him, not to beat her up! I didn't have to do it, I wanted to! That decision was mine and mine alone." For some reason, Donnie grinned. "Exactly!" Karai looked at him confused. "Karai, please, we all know that you could have easily taken April to Shredder, but you didn't. You chose not to. My theory is, I think you wanted it to look like she was a challenge for you, I think that's why you tried to get her all riled up. You were trying to get her to fight harder. April told me about the stuff you said."

Karai blushed a little and looked away. "Well, I didn't do it for her own good. She was part of alien project that could destroy the world. I live here too! I didn't want to die because of her!" Donnie chuckled a little. "I don't believe you. I think you did it for the world's own good." Karai glared at him, and Mikey smiled at her. "You may have done a lot of wrong Karai, but you've done a lot of good too when you listen to your heart instead of your head. Remember that time when you put Shredder's vendetta aside to try to help us take down the Kraang with a missile launcher? Then Leo betrayed you."

"We all betrayed her, Mikey!" Leo yelled. "And you guys talked me into it!"

"My point is! It was never all about revenge for you like Shredder, you saw more to life than that. You were even willing to work with your enemies and get in trouble with Shredder to make sure the Kraang didn't win. You are a protector Karai, you protect everyone, especially those you care about."

Karai sighed and looked at him sadly. "I know you fear me, Mikey. I see it in your eyes every time I'm mad or do something wrong." Mikey scoffed. "Well, of course I'm scared of you, it would be stupid not to! I ain't that dumb!" Karai looked down but Mikey kept his smile. "I mean that in a good way!" Karai looked at him surprised and confused. "You're the daughter of my Sensei who is the strongest ninja I know, your mother was the fiercest woman I ever met, and you were trained by Shredder, the whole mutant snake thing is just icing on the cake! You may not see it Karai, but all those things are what makes you who you are, it's why you're such a badass! We could always count on you to put anyone in their place and destroy anyone who might hurt us. We do need you sis and we want you to be with us!"

Karai couldn't find the words to say, and Raph chuckled. "It's true. Even I have to admit, I'm scared of you." Karai looked at him. "Why did you stop me? I thought you of all people would want me gone, you've hated me since the very beginning."

"Well, yeah, because you worked with the Foot, and I didn't know who you were back then. I'll admit I haven't been easy on you, even after Splinter told me you were his daughter, but I do care about you Karai. I've cared ever since Splinter told us but...I just feared for my family. I wanted to help you, but I didn't want my family to get hurt because of it but when I finally got to know you better, I started to think of you as family and I would protect you, just like I would protect my brothers and Sensei. I understand you, Karai, you may not think I don't, but I do. You're my sister and I love you as such, K? So, get better so we can spare and do cool stuff together!"

Splinter smiled at her. "You see, my daughter? We all love you and want to help you." Karai frowned at him. "What about you? I know I remind you of Shredder, I know I'm a disappointment and not the daughter you wanted. I almost killed your sons more times than I can count, and I know that is unforgivable in your book." Splinter nodded. "You're right, it is but anyone who would dare hurt my daughter is unforgivable as well." Karai was taken aback by that. "You thought we were the enemies back then; you couldn't have known any better, so I forgive you and you are not a disappointment Miwa! All I wanted out of a daughter was for her to be happy, nothing more! You are not like Shredder, I only meant you were going in the same vengeful path, but you do not have his personality nor his mind."

"But...that look. You always gave me that look every time I did something wrong." Splinter looked confused for a moment but then he knew what she was talking about. "Miwa, that was not a look of disappointment, that was a look of worry. I worry about you constantly because of your recklessness." Karai blinked in surprise. "R-Really? But-But I thought-"

"I have never been disappointed in you, my daughter. Never." Splinter said firmly and Karai looked down in thought. "I guess I never had someone worry for me before that I mistake it for something else. I'm really sorry I scared you guys, I thought you all hated me."

Leo smiled. "It's ok, it's honestly our fault for making you feel this way but now that we know, we can help you get better." Donnie nodded. "It won't be easy but I think together we can do it, but you have to be willing to let us help Karai."

Karai sighed. "...Ok, I'm willing."

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