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Back at the lair,

Shini was waiting patiently for the turtles and her friend when she heard them coming in. She all but ran to the entrance. She didn't know what she was expecting but she wasn't expecting to see her friend passed out in Raph's arms, looking exhausted.

"Bring her to the lab, Raph." Donnie ordered.

"What happened?!" Shini asked and Leo hesitates before answering. "Y-You might want to sit down, Shinigami."

"Just tell me, Leonardo!" 

Leo sighed. "Karai...she...she tried to kill herself." Shini eyes went eyed with fear and disbelief. "W-What? W-Why would she do that?"

"We don't know, we're going to talk to her as soon as she wakes up and then we are going to come up with a plan to help her."

Shini couldn't believe what she was hearing. This whole time, her friend has been in danger, and she didn't even know. She never once saw any signs that Karai was even depressed but she guessed that wasn't really surprising since Karai has always been talented at hiding her feelings and it makes sense that she is depressed considering what she went through all these years.

"I...I need some air." Shini said before walking out the lair. Leo was about to call out to her, but Mikey stopped him. "I got this bro."

As soon as Mikey left the lair, he saw Shinigami sitting on the ground, crying. "Shinigami?" Mikey said softly before sitting next to her. Shini looked at him. "It's my fault, Michelangelo! It's my fault this happened! I came here so I could look after her and protect her like she has always done for me, but I failed and now-"

"Whoa! Whoa! Shini, slow down." Mikey interrupted her spiraling and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "It's not your fault, you didn't know, you couldn't have known."

"But I should have! She's my sister, Michelangelo, my best friend and I...I wasn't there when she needed me." Mikey then hugged her. "We all should have known but we didn't and now we have to deal with that. Karai needs us now; I don't really understand what's going on with her, but I know I never want to see her that sad again. So, let's try to be happy for her because I don't think it will help if she sees us all sad."


"Karai's strong, right?" Mikey asked and Shini nodded against his chest. "The strongest person I know."

"Then don't worry, she'll get through this. I know she will because she has us to help her." Shini chuckled a little. "How is it you always see the light in the darkest of moments, Mikey?" Mikey shrugged. "Don't know, just always have."

He kissed Shini's forehead and (If possible) hugged her tighter. "You're going to be ok, Shini and so is Karai, don't worry."


In the lab,

"How is she, Donnie?" Leo asked and Donnie sighed. "She's fine, just exhausted and...I found some self-inflicted scars on her arms. Some are fresh and some look months old, apparently, she has been like this for a while."

Leo looked sadly at him, and he wanted to say something but before he could, he heard something in the kitchen. He left the lab to check it out and he was surprised when he saw Splinter packing stuff in boxes.

"Father? What are you doing?" Leo asked.

"What does it look like?" Splinter said without even looking at him, too focused on what he was doing. Leo didn't know what to say. "Um..."

"I'm packing everything that Miwa could hurt herself with. Knives, forks, glass, basically anything that is sharp! I have Raphael packing the dojo as well, you are going to have to train with wooden weapons for a while." Splinter explained as he picked up the pace.

"Sensei, is that really necessary? I don't think Karai will try anything again. She knows that we will keep an eye on her." Splinter stopped for a moment to look at him with hard eyes. "Yes! I am not taking any chances!"

Leo looked at Splinter sadly. "Father..." Splinter took a deep breath and tried to hold back the tears. "I'm a terrible Father, Leonardo. To her I have been a terrible father. I wasn't there for her when she was a baby, and I definitely wasn't there for her now. How could I make her feel that she was a disappointment? How could I have made her feel unloved? And how did I not see it?!"

Leo sighed and went to his father's side. "I think we all made her feel unloved, Father. We are all to blame for this, not just you. None of us saw what was going on with Karai until it was too late."

"Raphael did." Splinter pointed out and Leo shrugged. "He may have noticed that Karai was depressed but he didn't know that she was going to...and that's because Raph can read her better than we can. The two are more alike than they think."

Splinter nodded in agreement but then a fear thought crossed his mind. "You don't think Raphael will..." Leo blinked in surprise. "What? No! I mean, Raph has been depressed before, no I don't think he will do that."

"Are you sure? Because he has the same fear of hurting others with his temper like Miwa has." Leo gave him an assuring smile. "I'm positive, Sensei. Let's just focus on Karai right now."

"Guys!" Donnie called and went into the kitchen, breathing heavily. "Karai's awake."

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