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When Karai woke up the first thing, she saw was a lot of shiny balls, whispering sweet words. She looked around, wondering where she was. "Hello? Where am I?"

"In a world between life and death." A voice said, a voice that Karai swears sounds familiar to her. She turned around and her eyes widened in shock. Standing before her, was her mother, Tang Shen. "...Mother?" Karai choked out as her eyes filled with tears.

Shen smiled kindly, her eyes teary as well. "Hello, my love." Karai could not believe it. How is she here? She was sure Raph stopped her from taking her own life. "Am I dead?" Shen shook her head. "No. I brought you here so we can talk."

Karai hung her head, thinking the worst. "I know that I disappointed you, Mother, I know I'm not the daughter you wanted, I know I did a lot of trouble things, I also know that you and Father would fight because you didn't want me to be a kunoichi." Shen frowned and walked over to her daughter, cupping her cheek. "Miwa...that is not true. You are not a disappointment. I will admit...I did not want you to be a kunoichi but only because I knew how dangerous it was. Your father would always come home injured, physically and spiritually and he would carry such a burden on his shoulders because he was the leader of the clan. I didn't want you to go through that, you would have been next in line as leader of the Hamato Clan, but I have been watching you Miwa and I now see what your father always saw in you. You lead your clan with such pride and might, you took a clan of darkness and led them down the right path. You are your father's daughter, you are an Hamato."

Karai scoffed. "I'm nothing like Father." Shen chuckled. "Don't be too sure of that. You are actually a lot like your father, prideful, strong, loyal hearted, hotheaded, a true rebel."  Karai raised a brow. "Ok, now I know you are pulling my leg. There is no way my father was a rebel, I bet he was a lot like Leo."

Shen smiled. "The rest of your siblings think the same, but they are way off. True, Leonardo shares some similarities with your father but not many."

A door then showed up and it opened. Karai's eyes widened a bit when she saw a young human version of her father. He has dark black hair and ruby eyes. He wore a leather jacket, red shirt, and black jeans. Karai laughed. "That's him?! No way!"

"It is indeed. Watch and see what happens."

Yoshi was sitting in what looked like an office, holding an ice pack under his eye. Suddenly the door knocked. "Come in." A man wearing a brown suit said and two people walked in. A woman with black hair that had a few gray streaks in it and ruby eyes. She wore a red kimono, a gold belt, and black pants. The man had long gray hair he wore in a high ponytail, a beard, and brown eyes. He wore a black kimono and white pants. They both sat next to Yoshi, Yoshi being between them, and he scowled down as the principal spoke.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hamato, thank you for coming, we need to talk about Yoshi and his behavior. You son is out of control, skipping classes, pulling pranks, and getting into fights. He just today broke a poor boy's arm."

"Yeah, and I would do it again!" Yoshi spat and Yuuta glared at him. "Hamato Yoshi!" Yoshi whipped his head at him. "Miyamoto Usagi, locked Hana in the locker, harassed Chikara, and stole Saki's books! He's the one who started it, I only finished it!"

Yuuta blinked in surprise. "Miyamoto?" The principal looked at him. "You know that Mr. Hamato?" Yuuta nodded. "Yes, Usagi's father and I are rivals. He also has a dojo, and he has been trying to steal students from me for some time. He has been harassing me and my family constantly...seems his son is following his lead. Still..." Yuuta glared back at his son. "That's no excuse to break the boy's arm Yoshi! I taught you better than that!"

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