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"Thena! Hey doll, where is my son?" Beverly questioned.

"He's a little tied up with work, but he said that he'll come as soon as he's done." I smiled while hugging her. "This casino is beautiful Beverly."

"Thank you, love. Why is he working so late, it's almost midnight." She looked at her watch. "I mean, I just opened a brand new casino and he couldn't come? I blame his father. He made him like this."

I remained silent while taking in the venue. It was breathtaking, a chandelier hung from the ceilings. The bars were embedded with rhinestones. The lounge had velvet seats with mirror floors. I could tell that Beverly designed every detail. It had her touch.

"I have to check on my staff, but if you see Tobi before me, please let me know. VIP is open as well, order any wine you want."

I nodded before Beverly walked away. I took this opportunity to explore the venue. I went upstairs towards the VIP section. The security gave me a slight smile before opening the rope.

"Ms. Solana, a special wine is being chilled on ice for you. Would you like a glass?"

"Yes please." I nodded before walking in.

The VIP lounge was beautiful. Elite members were playing poker while men in tuxedos walked around with finger foods and trays of wine. Everything was white. The floors. The walls, even the ceiling. The couch was white.

I spotted an empty seat before walking towards it.

"Athena Solana."

"Shut up. Asher Jean, I'm a huge fan if you couldn't tell." I nervously chuckled.

"I know, I remember you screaming my name at a club once." He showed off his pearly whites.

"Oh my, that's so embarrassing, let's forget that ever happened." I shook my head.

"Gotcha. I was a bit surprised that I wasn't invited to perform at your fashion show." He sat down on the couch. I did the same while crossing my legs.

"You're so big-time, I didn't think you would be able to, but there's always room," I said while playing with the bracelets on my wrist.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll have my people get in touch with yours." He nodded.

"Ms. Solana, here's your glass. Mr. Jean, would you like a glass of champagne?" The waiter questioned while I grabbed my glass off of the tray. Asher nodded. "Right away."

The waiter walked off.

"I've always thought that you were very beautiful." He started.

"Really?" I questioned while slowly sipping my wine.

A couple of months ago, I would have been over the moon that Asher found me attractive, but my heart was elsewhere. No one could compare to Tobias. Asher was handsome, but Tobias was handsome-er. Tobias was kind and sweet and cared for every little thing.

"Mr. Asher. Your glass."

"Thank you."

Asher and I spent the next hour getting to know each other. We finished our glass before getting up to watch the poker game.

"You ever played?" Asher questioned.

"Never." I shook my head. "You?"

"Eh once. It's not my thing."

"I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"If you thought I was so beautiful, why have never spoken to me before?" I questioned.

Billionaires Don't Fall in LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz