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"As much as I enjoy sitting out here and stargazing, I can't let you miss your after party," Tobias said while taking a swig from the wine bottle. He handed it to me.

"But why can't I?" I whined while leaning my head on him. I took a swig from the bottle before closing my eyes.

"You deserve to be celebrated."

"But I'm drunk. And..." I quickly opened my eyes looking up at him. "So are you?"

"Which makes the party, ten times more fun." He stood up. He held his hand out.

"Party pooper." I groaned while grabbing his hand.

I stumbled but he quickly caught me. Fuck it. I was drunk. I pulled him in. Our lips were inches apart.

His breath hitched as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"You're very beautiful, Athena."

"And you're handsome," I mumbled before kissing him.

He moaned before wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me closer. My hands made way to his hair before softly tugging it.

He trailed his kisses down my neck. Something that drove me crazy.

"Someone's going to see." I giggled and he pulled away.

"Let's go." He held my hand before walking into the venue.

"Athena!" Valeria yelled.

The venue began clapping as we made our way through. Valeria handed me the mic.

"Speech." She whispered.

"Oh!" I giggled.

The music stopped playing as the venue quieted down, waiting for me to speak. I cleared my throat.

"I want to thank each and every one of you for attending my show and coming to my party. Valeria, Lotus, and I worked extremely hard." I cleared my throat. "Whew! Is it hot to anyone in here?"

The venue laughed. I was serious. I was burning up.

"Sorry. Uh. I'm not good with speeches. Words can't describe how full my heart is! I don't want to make this too long so party on!" I exclaimed before turning the mic off.

I handed it to one of the staff.

"What were you two doing? The party's been going on for almost two hours." Valeria walked up towards us.

"Talking." We both said.

"Talking huh? Tobias, red is your color."

"Huh?" He questioned.

I examined his face before widening my eyes.

"My lipstick. It's on your lips."

"Oh fuck." He touched his lips.

"Beautiful show! I mean absolutely beautiful."
Mme Fleur complimented. She had a glass of wine in her hand, the other was wrapped around the waist of her husband.

"Thank you for traveling from France."

"Tobias." Pierre smiled. "Any thoughts about the winery?"

"I'd rather not discuss it tonight. This night is all about Athena." He smiled at me.

"We're going to find a host to refill our glass. This way Pierre." Mme Fleur said before walking away.

"You're not selling your winery," I said before drinking from the glass. "I'm ready for this party to be over."

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