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“Jayen, I was wondering where you escaped too, is that whore here?” Jinan barred his teeth in what could have been a smile in his own twisted way. I couldn’t choke out a response so I stood there, completely frozen. “Aw, c’mon Jay. Have little fun with me. Laugh, it’s funny.”

“Jayen? Love, who’s at the door?” Alexandra called from the bedroom. My breath hitched as I heard her approach the door. 

“Ah! There she is! Did you know she slept with every single maid at Lord’s Alarie estate?” Jinan barked. 

“You are not welcome here. Leave before I make you.” Alexandra’s voice was even but she was seething with anger. My hands shook as I let go of the doorknob and stood back. 

Jinan’s hair was messy and matted in the back with what looked like blood. His black shirt was soaked through and I could’ve sworn his belt had blood on it too. Alexandra wrapped a hand on my elbow and tried to place herself between us but I couldn’t move. My heart was thundering my chest and I could no longer feel my hands.

“Why do you not want me to tell her the truth?” Jinan lifted up his head to look Alexandra in the eye. “That she’s just another notch in your bedpost? Another woman to conquer?”

“You are not well.” She said simply. I clutched my shirt, not wanting to put any merit behind his word but fearing deep down that he was right. She was just using me.

“I’m not well?” He laughed wickedly and took a step forward. “This coming from an actually murderer? Come with me Jayen. I’ll take you away from this monster.”

“I–I–” my hands shook violently as I choked back a quiet sob.

“She’s not going anywhere with you. If you don’t leave right now, I will hurt you.” Alexandra’s voice was laced with venom.

Jinan threw his head back and laughed loudly. “Did you hear that? That’s probably exactly what she said to her husband before she pushed him off a balcony. . . She’s a monster, whatever you think I did to you–she’ll do worse. I can promise you that.”

“I don’t believe you.” I said quietly.

“Excuse me?” Jinan growled. 

“I don’t believe you.” I stuck my chin out. “You’re–you’re lying!”

“Time’s up, Jinan.” Alexandra said, her voice curt. She cracked her knuckles before summoning a small fire into her hand. “What is it going to be?”

Jinan slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a long blade decorated with blood. My breath caught in my chest but before I could do anything he jabbed the blade forward with all this strength, directly into Alexandra’s abdomen. She let out a deep cry as she stumbled backward, extinguishing her flame to clutch at her wound. I clenched my hands and stood in between the two. 

“I fucking hate you.” I hissed. “You’re a monster. You’re nothing but a psychopath who likes hurting people.”

Jinan took another step forward, his knife dripping blood. “Do you want to know who’s blood is on this knife?”

“If you don’t stop right there, I’m going to kill you.” I growled, I was not going to back down, not after what he just did. Not after everything he’s done. I slowly inched to my right, were Joshua hid one of his swords for emergency situations. It was tucked behind the bookcase But I could grab it, I just needed more time.

“Do know who else’s blood is on this knife?” he repeated. His golden eyes shone with pure hatred and anger.

“No, I don’t.” Just a bit farther. . .

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now