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I stepped out of the carriage, clutching onto Rapheal’s arm while we walked to his partner’s mansion. It had just finished raining and puddles swarmed the pavement. A gentle mist had fallen over the grounds. Other than the almost offensive architecture of the front porch, the mansion was awe inspiring.

He readjusted my hand into the crook of his elbow, “Remember, Alexandra, pipe down. We are here for business not for you to flock around.”

I tightened my grip on his arm and said nothing. The shawl across my shoulders did little to keep the cold out but Rapheal forbade me from wearing a coat. We are in a hurry, Alexa, if you wanted to wear your coat you should have already had it on. Rapheal knocked on the door loudly. He adjusted his coat, a dark olive green with gold embroidery along the buttons.

A young woman opened the door, she kept her head down and stepped out of the way, allowing us enough room to slip past her. I lowered my head, following the young woman’s lead and took a deep breath. As we walked past her I caught her eye briefly before she looked away, a sad expression passed over her face for a split second.

“Lord and Lady Alarie!” Raphael’s partner called out from the parlor.

Rapheal steered me over to where Thad and his wife, Esmé, where relaxing. The inside of their mansion was all whites and similar light colors. The parlor was no different with it’s white couches and birch wood. Thad was standing in the middle of the room smoking a cigar. The blue smoke wrapped around his hand and he flashed us a lopsided smile. 

Thad was a tall man who wore a consistently red face that stood out against the light blue jacket and light blonde hair. His broad shoulders stretched out his shirt as he put out his cigarette on a nearby table. 

“Come in, have a seat,” Thad offered up a polite smile, “Supper should be ready soon. Esmé, go check on the food.”

Esmé was the complete opposite of Thad, where he was broad and gnarly she was soft and kind. I watched over my eyelashes as she got off the couch and all but floated into the kitchen.. In the corner of my eye I could Rapheal stare at her, like a lion eyes his kill.

Thad lit another cigar and offered Rahpeal one who took it graciously. “Stop hanging on my arm,” he hissed, “go sit down, woman.”

I bit back an insult as I took a seat opposite of Thad. I had known my husband thirsted after his close friend’s wife for years now. When he introduced us he fumbled his way through his name and had to wipe his disgusting hands on his coat several times. A part of me was jealous that this younger woman had clearly captivated my husband in ways that I could never. . . as if I even wanted to.

“I’m going to go chat with Esmé,” I said aloud to no one in particular. The men had already been long engrossed in their conversation and didn’t pay me any mind.

Having only been to Thad’s mansion a few time prior I wandered the hallways in the general direction Esmé disappeared too. I was in no hurry to find her, however I couldn’t stand sitting in that room alone. I ran my hand along the wallpaper, it was a fair blue color with white floral designs, what is with these people and their birght colors? I turned a corner at the same time the maid from earlier came around. We collided and she tumbled backwards before falling over over.

“Oh my, I’m very sorry about that,” I reached my hand out to help her up. Her eyes widened as she scrambled away.

“Don’t touch me dyke.”

I withdrew my hand and narrowed my eyes. “Do you think the words of a maid matter to me? Get yourself off the ground and watch where you’re going.” 

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now