38- in perfect sync

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(Continued from last chapter - same day)

"That was enough weird for today.." I spoke to myself while walking into the workroom. Due to the nerves of last night and leaving in a rush to get everything together at my apartment, I left Echora in the workroom. "Where are you.."

"I'm right here." I slowly straightened up when I heard his voice, but kept my back towards him.

"Ha. Ha. Very cute."

"I'm glad you think so." I heard him chuckle slightly as he was taking steps towards me. I still didn't turn around. I simply leaned my hands on the desk in front of me. "What are you looking for?"

"Echora. I left her here last night because I was in a hurry." He was so close to me now.. Directly behind me. "Harry.." My voice trailed off as he spoke again.

"Can't you say her name and she'll appear or something?"

"No. That's not-" I paused when I felt his hand move the hair from the right side of my shoulder to expose my neck. I swallowed and continued. "It doesn't- It doesn't work like that." Harry's breath was on my neck now. That's how close he was.

"It doesn't?" Before I could even answer, he began leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. Starting just below my ear, all the way down to my shoulder. I tried my my best not to make a sound and give him the satisfaction of winning. It's too easy teasing him.. He stopped for a moment to speak again. "Then.. Why does she appear when I call her?"

"Huh?" That's not even possible.. Especially not for him since he has no relation to Echora.

"Yeah. Watch this.. Echoraaa, show yourself." His arm snaked around me and reached for a messy pile of papers on the desk in front of me. He picked them up revealing... Echora. "See? She loves me."

"Wow.. It's like magic!" I said sarcastically. I moved Echora to the other side of the desk so I would remember to grab her later.

"I saw that you left Echora here and I didn't want to move her or someone else to move her, so I just put papers to cover her."

"Mmm.. I see. Thank you, Harry." I slowly turned over my right shoulder to look at him.

He looked so...

~Harry's POV~


She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes.

We were silent for a moment until she grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lightly tugged on it, wanting me to move closer. So I did.

We were so close now that our noses brushed each other. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I grabbed the back of her neck with my right hand and crashed our lips together. It should always be like this. Just us. No one to get in the way of us loving each other.. Wait- love?

I shook off the thought. I'll unpack that later. She kissed me back passionately and we were in sync. In perfect sync.

I moved away from the kiss to look at her again and her eyes told me she wanted more. I do too.

I pushed everything on the desk to the side so it wouldn't be in the way. She gave me a smile that caused me to, without even thinking, crash my lips onto hers once again. Even more passionately than before... if that was even possible. Grabbing her waist, I easily lifted her onto the desk. We didn't miss a single beat.

~Luna's POV~ (partial smut)

I held onto him so tightly, as if someone was going to try to tear him away from me. They could try, but they would fail. My hands, instinctively, began lightly tugged on his hair, causing him to lightly smile into the kiss.

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon