3- lo and behold

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~Luna's POV~
After catching up on the past 6 and a half months with Cisco, I decided I would go surprise my best friend, Iris. Me and Iris got closer after that...day happened. We FaceTimed every night and texted 24/7 while I was in Starling City. I opened the door to Central City Picture News and saw her typing away. This place needs to work on security. Anyone can just walk right in and no one would notice.

"You're doing that thing with your eyebrows again." She jumped when I spoke.

"Luna?!" Iris immediately stood up and engulfed me in a hug. "What are you doing back here?"

Not gonna lie, that sounded suspicious. And she has the same expression Cisco had on his face. Is there something i'm missing?

"Cisco called. He said it was extremely important. Yet... he hasn't said not one word about whatever 'it' is. Do you know what's up?"

"N-no! Nope! It's probably not a big deal. I'm sure he'll tell you soon! Probably not a big deal."

"Oh, uh. Okay..."

"So, how are you doing these days?"

She's trying to change the subject.

"I'm still trying to understand what exactly happened six and a half months ago. I mean, Harrison was like a best friend to me and he was also my mentor. He took me in when my other job didn't work out. So why did he kidnap me along with Eddie? What did I have to do with his evil plan?"

"Yeah, I get what you mean. He had us all fooled. But, hey! You got me now!"

"I sure do" I smiled a big, fake smile. I need to find out what everyone is hiding from me.


I walked into Jitters and met up with Cisco and Barry in line.

"Watch and learn."

"Um, Barry. What is Cisco telling you to watch and learn?"

"He's about to ask out that girl behind the counter!" Barry was giggling uncontrollably which made me silently chuckle to myself. His laugh was contagious. The first time I actually laughed in months.

Not even a minute later, Cisco was harshly rejected.

"Dude, you good? It's her loss." Barry tried to cheer him up.

Cisco doesn't usually get upset over these things. The way he just froze had to have been something else. It was weird and not like him.

I suddenly got lightheaded. I never get lightheaded. I couldn't hear everything the boys were saying. All I heard was:

"We have another breacher."
"How do you know?"
"Central City Bank." And with that, Barry left.

Me and Cisco went back to STAR Labs to help out Barry. On the way, I asked Cisco what was so important he wanted to tell me earlier. But he kept brushing it off. Boy, does he piss me off sometimes.


"I cant see anything." It was actually really funny to see Barry like this. Some chick from "Earth 2" apparently blinded him with her meta human powers. They called her Dr. Light. I really need to catch up.

Barry was about to go on a date with a girl named Patty while Cisco created shades with a built-in camera. That way, he can be Barry's eyes for him.

I was going to take advantage of this alone time I had with my brother and ask him once again what he wanted to tell me, but then I heard a voice. An o-so familiar voice. A voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Ramon, we need to figure out how Allen is going to stop Dr. Light. He can't go in blind again."

Cisco chuckled slightly when he heard the man say "blind" but then quickly stood up and turned me to face him and away from the man.

"Cisco, stop. Stop!" I shoved him away and turned so fast you'd think I was a speedster.

"No. It... It can't be..."

Lo and behold, Harrison Wells was standing just 5 feet from me.

sooo how am i doing!
i could probably do better, idk
feels like it's boring but at least Harry and Luna are about to meet!

please comment suggestions/requests/grammar corrections
also please share and vote! pretty please:)

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