39- discreet

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~A few days later~

I quickly put on my jeans while holding a hair tie between my teeth. I'm so late... Crap. I grab the hair tie from my mouth and use it to put my hair into a low pony. As I'm looking down and adjusting my t-shirt to look at least slightly presentable, my hair tie is taken out of the pony and my hair falls over my face. I let out a puff in frustration causing my hair to blow up and fall back down to my face.

"Seriously??" I turn around quickly while tossing my hair behind my shoulders.

"What? I like it better when it's down."

I gave Harry a stern look. "Give me the hair tie."

"Mmmm... No." I watched Harry as he put the hair tie on his wrist... Did I mention its a scrunchy? It's literally a purple scrunchy.

"Wow. I didn't know you were so fashionable, Harold." I spoke as I was slipping on my sneakers.

He gave me a small smile look after I called him Harold. "Thank you, beautiful." As he said this he posed and modeled the scrunchy for me which caused me to laugh.

"Okay. We have to go." I look up at Harry and give him one last kiss before we go. "I love you and all... But we HAVE to stop doing this in the workroom..."

"Whaaaat? It's... It's I don't know. It's invigorating."

I smiled up at him and fixed his hair because it was all over the place, while telling him, "As much fun as I am having sneaking around and stuff-"

"You have to tell Ramon.. Francisco Ramon, obviously.. Not you, Ramon. Other Ramon." He blurted out.

I gave him a puzzled look and stopped fixing his hair immediately. "Uhhh. First of all, no. As I was saying, 'as much as I love it, we should find a new place or they're gonna figure it out soon.'"

"Oh.. Well you really should tell Ramon soon. He's been more tolerable lately and... I don't know. Nevermind."

"Ahhh I see. You actually like Cisco now, don't you?" I gave him a push to tease him. "Huh? You guys are getting closer??"

"Psh... No..." I gave him a look. "Okay. Yes. I respect him and I think he should know."

I paused for a moment. "I'll think about it.."

"Luna you-"

Knock knock knock

"Luna! Are you in there?!" Barry... "We're starting the team meeting soon! Hurry up!"

"Shhh. Let's go."

I started walking towards the door but Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him. "One for good luck." I gave him a confused look. He answered that confused look with a soft kiss.

"Okay, okay. Come on." I tried to hide how happy that made me. Gosh, he still makes me blush and feel butterflies every single day we're together.

My thoughts were clouded and I didn't even think to use my X-ray vision to look through the door before opening it. And I really should have because when I opened the door...

"Barry- Oh... h-hi. You waited?" Harry and I stopped in our tracks.

"Yeah... I really need you at the meeting... and I was looking for Harry too..." He paused when he saw Harry behind me. "Wait why were you guys in here? And why was the door locked...?"

"Oh! Was it?? I didn't even realize! Must have happened by accident." Harry was completely silent and frozen still.

Barry's eyes traveled down a bit and I followed his line of sight; which led right to the purple scrunchy on Harry's wrist... Crap.

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsWhere stories live. Discover now