16- regret

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~About One Year Ago~

"Luna, you've been dragging around for days. Let's go out or something." Thea began tugging my arm to try and get me off the couch.

"Please don't make me, Thea. Your apartment is so warm, and cozy..." I trailed off, almost falling asleep again.

I've been staying with Thea and Oliver for the past month or so. They've tried everything to get me moving, but I just can't. This is it for me. Unless...

"Come on, Luna. Get. Up." She started hitting me with the pillows. I sat up and chuckled lightly at her childish behavior.

"You know that i'll only get up in one condition."

"Luna. Oliver said-"

"Does it look like I care what Oliver said? I've been begging you for like three weeks."

I stared her down until she would give in. To my surprise, she did.

"Fine. I'll train you. It's too late today so.... tomorrow." She pointed her finger at me. "Be up by 4:30 am."

"What?! Are you insane? I need my sleep. I won't function without- I mean.... uh, okay."
We trained secretly for a good two months. I was making really good progress. Until one day, Oliver found out. That wasn't pretty.

"You've been.... you've been training her behind my back, Thea? I thought I made it very clear that I didn't want you to..." I blocked out everything else he was screaming about. I was over it.

"Luna? Luna! Are you listening?"

"Huh?" I looked back at the clearly upset man with a blank expression. "What do you want, Oliver? I thought you were on my side. Barry obviously brought me here for a reason. I'm pretty sure he didn't bring me here so I could sulk all day."

I turned around, but he grabbed my wrist. Oliver whipped my body around and threw me to the ground.

"Then let's not sulk. If training you means no more sulking, then let's train." I smirked up at him. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his leg and pulled it from under him. I looked over at Oliver who was now laying on the ground next to me, groaning.



"Luna? What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"Ollie, there's something wrong with me."

"What do you mean? I'm going over there, Luna."

"No. No. I'll go to you. I'll be there by tonight."

"Okay. I'll see you then. Love you, Lu"

I smiled to myself. "Love you too, Ollie."

Once I hung up, I headed for the elevator. To be honest, I didn't want to have to explain myself to Cisco or anyone else. But before I could get to the elevator button, I was stopped by a very curious Harry.

"The team is looking for you, Luna."

I turned around to face handsome... I mean Harry. Just Harry. Not handsome. "I'll be back tomorrow night."

"Where are you going?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No."



"What do you mean, no?"

"We're not doing this."

"Doing what exactly?"

"That thing where you act like you care about me, but in reality, you don't. You're just being nosy."

"That's not true." He spoke but it was barely audible. It didn't seem like he was going to say anything else so I went to face the elevator again. Harry grabbed my wrist which caused me to turn back around slowly with my eyebrows furrowed. "I-I actually wanted to talk to you about something, Luna."

I looked down at his hand now holding mine and felt something in my stomach. A flutter? I immediately let go.

"I really have to go, Harry. Just- tell the team i'll be back tomorrow night." He opened his mouth to say one more thing, but nothing came out. Instead, he nodded slightly and just stood there with his hands in his pockets. After a few seconds, I realized he was waiting for me to leave, so I turned, pressed the elevator button, and stepped inside. I looked into Harry's eyes as the door closed, something I will forever regret. There was such sadness. What was going on in that beautiful mind of his?

~Harry's POV~
Why is it so hard for me to talk to her? I prepare an entire speech but freeze when she's in front of me. How do I tell her that i'm leaving? I suppose I shouldn't say anything at all. That would be easier for me. I will simply leave and not look back.

"Dad! There you are!"

I realized I was staring at the elevator this entire time. Wiping the single tear from my cheek, I turned to face my daughter. I placed a fake smile on my face. "Here I am."

"The new... uh... you, I guess, is coming through the breach right now."

"Okay. Let's go meet him."
"Greetings, earthlings. Just kidding. I don't really talk like that. I've just always wanted to say that. Earthlings." Great, he's really annoying. He approaches me. "You. You're handsome."

"I know. Harrison." I introduce myself.

"Harrison. Call me HR!" I'd love to punch that grin off his face.

"HR it is. This is the team, then. Um, this is Cisco Ramon. He can do anything."

"Okay." Please shutup.

"This is Dr. Caitlin Snow. She is brilliant."

"Hi!" Caitlin greets him with a smile.

"Single." He grabs Snow's hand and kisses it. Ugh...

"Don't- all right, that's my daughter. You don't have to shake her hand. That gentleman there is Wally West." He continues to shake everyone's hands. I'll be sure to buy some hand sanitizer. "This is Barry Allen, or as we call him on this Earth, The Flash."

"Welcome to Earth-1." Barry spoke to him.

"Thanks. Earth-1, that's weird." Yeah well, you're weird but i'm not openly talking about it.

I roll my eyes at the idiot in front of me. something's off about him. "Okay, well, we don't have to stand on ceremony. We don't have to go through all the tears again, do we, gang?"

"Well, did I cry last time you left?" Cisco... To be honest, i'll him the most.

"I was talking about myself."

"Oh, gotcha." I lightly chuckled at his response.

"Hey, listen. Don't worry about it, okay? There's only one Harry." Then I remembered Luna once I pulled Cisco into a hug.

I whispered so only he could hear, "Tell Luna that i'm sorry and that this isn't goodbye forever." We let go of each other and Cisco simply nodded. "Okay, Cisco. Out with the old, in with the new."

"You'll never be old to us, Harry." Caitlin always says the right thing. Cisco opened the breach and Jesse and I began to step through. "Oh, one more thing. While I'm gone, never, ever, no matter what-" Just like that, we were back on Earth-2.

"Dad, what were you going to say to them?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing. I was just messing around." Jesse rolled her eyes and I just laughed.

I feel regret not saying bye to Luna. It was wrong for me to think it would be easier for me to leave without talking to her.

Now I am unable to tell her about my... feelings.

oouuu juicy
it's been a little while:/
i made this a little longer to make up for it tho

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ily guys

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