11- breaking point

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~Luna's POV~
"Hey. You called us?" Cisco looked extremely excited.

"Kara had to go back home to her Earth, but she told us how she thinks this works." Cisco began explaining how to 'activate' the pod and how awesome the tech was. All I could do was look back at simpler times. Well, at least I thought they were.


"Dr. Wells! I finally figured it out!" I practically slid into his room from how excited I was. When I walked in, Cisco was already in there.

"Ah, Luna. Let's see what you found." He gave me a warm smile and I gave Cisco a 'watch this' look.

I have always been super handy. I studied biochemistry, engineering, all types of tech and more. I was an overachiever to be honest.

I handed my work over to Dr. Wells and he gave me one last look before he began analyzing the pages I neatly typed up.

"Very good, Luna. You never cease to amaze me." I looked at Cisco with a smirk and he rolled his eyes and left.

"Thank you, Dr. Wells." I gave him a genuine smile because I was genuinely happy. I truly was.

"Luna. I told you to call me Harrison." I had grown quite fond of  Harrison. We got super close these past two years.

"Right. Sorry! I'll work on that Dr- Harrison. Gosh. I did it again." We both broke into laughter.


I couldn't help but smile.

"Luna. Lu." Caitlin tried getting my attention but I was busy reminiscing. Cisco tried this time.

"Han didn't shoot first." I sprung from my seat.

"YOU KNOW DARN WELL HE DID." I realized how loud I was and slowly sat back down. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I heard what you said."

"Ok. Do it then." Geez Harry. Calm down.

"I don't think so. We should be focusing on Zoom. He's been screwing with our minds for so long. I think I know who he is-"

"No, Luna. We're going to do this first. I cannot see you struggling with this anymore." I love Cisco and all, but he just will never understand.

"No, Cisco. We are not going to do this first. This is my life so it's my call. So I say we take care of Zoom first. End of story." Everyone looked at me with a shocked expression. "Does anyone have a problem with that? Didn't think so." I stormed out of the room.


I couldn't think of a better place to hide out so I went to the workshop. I paced for about two and half minutes with my eyes closed to try and get rid of this migraine. I got so frustrated that I stopped pacing and slammed my fist on the metal table.

"Oh my gosh." I put a dent in the table...

"Hey, girl. Are you okay?" I quickly covered the dent with a random piece of paper and turned around quickly.

"Hey, Iris. To be completely honest with you, no I am not okay." I felt bad for being so distant from Iris lately. While trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I pushed away the people I cared about the most.

"Talk to me." Of course, I gave in automatically.

"I'm just tired of everyone treating me like i'm a charity case. I can see how they all look at me differently now. Like- like i'm fragile and if they get too close, i'll shatter. They keep pushing and pushing to help but I don't want that. Why can't I just figure this out on my own?"

"Look Luna. We're your friends. Your family. We will always push because we don't want to see you hurting. You may be super strong," she lightly punched my arm which made me smile, "but everyone has a breaking point. All of us want to see you thrive by the end of this."

The two of us stayed silent for a few seconds.
"I guess... I'll let you guys help out. But not now. We need to get past this Zoom stuff first. Then we'll get back to me."

"Understood." She smiled a warm and toasty smile and then pulled me into a tight hug.

Should I really let the team in on this boondoggle? I mean, I don't want to pull them into something they'll regret.

No one understands that I already hit my breaking point awhile ago. At this point in my life, im just going through the motions. I've already lost everything.

i was failing english like a few days ago but brought my grade all the way up to an A!!!
there's only a week left in the semester and then that class is officially over yay!

hope you're liking the story:)
please comment and vote!

Kismet - E2 Harry Wellsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें