20- friends

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*About A Month Later*
~Luna's POV~
I was in the elevator pacing back and forth, practicing my speech for Wally. For a moment, I stopped pacing and muttered to myself, "I'm literally making this more complicated than it actually is." Almost as if on queue, the elevator dings open. I take a step out but stop dead in my tracks. It's too quiet... Using my newfound superhearing ability, I push my hair behind my ear and listen in.

I heard Joe's voice. "Why on Earth, any Earth, would your father want to go there?"

If the team is having a conversation without me, it's usually because they don't want me involved.

"I mean, we received a mathematical cryptogram at our STAR Labs." That's Jesse's voice. Wait... Jesse??! Where's Harry?? "It was highly complex. It took a week to decode it, but my dad and I did."

"What did it say?" Iris.

"It was an invitation.... from the gorillas to my dad."

"Why Harry?" There's Barry.

"They wanted to meet him." Wait. If this is going where I think it's going... I don't want to listen anymore.

"All they found were the bodies... All of them beaten to death." No... no. He can't be- "But no one's seen my dad." I let out a sigh of relief. He's still alive. He has to be. I put my back against the wall and sunk down to the ground. Why am I upset? Why am I crying?

After a minute or so, I regained my composure, stood up slowly, and then listened in once more.

"What are you thinking about?" Iris.

"The future." The headlines Barry saw when he ran to the future... City Still Recovering After Gorilla Attack.

"Luna can't know about Harry." Seriously Barry? I heard the team begin to protest the idea of keeping the information from me, including my brother. Hm.. That's a first. Barry silenced them and spoke again. "Guys... She's going through enough right now. We'll just tell her that we're going to Earth-2 to follow a new lead." But this is Harry we're talking about here...

"Are you sure that's something we should keep from her, mate?" Thanks for trying, Julian.

I quickly wiped my tears and decided it was time for me to walk in. "Hey. Uhh... Is this a team meeting or something?" Everyone just looked at me surprised. Barry was the one who broke the awkward silence.

"Hey, Luna! I thought you were going to be out for a little longer?" I looked at him with a blank expression. I was literally gone an entire hour longer than I was supposed to, but okay. "That- that doesn't matter. Uh, you didn't really miss much." Barry walked over to the board and pointed to City Still Recovering After Gorilla Attack.

"I don't see any gorillas attacking." I decided to play along so they don't know that I know what's really happening.

"No, uh. We um." He looked hesitantly at everyone else.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Barry?" Spill. Now.

"Oh... uh, no! We just- do you remember when we sent Grodd through that breach?" I nodded. "Remember how that breach landed him in a place on Earth-2 where there were other gorillas like him?"

"Barry. Are you ever going to get to the point?"

"Sorry. So basically, we all think that we should go there, check it out, and find out how to prevent this," he points back to the headline, "thus changing the future and saving Iris." I looked over at her and she forced a smile.

"Okay. So when are we going?"

"I- Luna. You can't come. It's too dangerous."

"Did you forget that nothing can penetrate my skin? I'm going, whether you like it or not."

"Uh, okay." Barry faces everyone else. "Suit up or get ready, I guess."

I watched as Jesse walked up to Barry and asked him if she could go. He of course replied with a stern no, saying that she and Wally should stay behind to protect our world. So dramatic. She turned around and I saw her tear-stained face. Poor Jesse... I can't imagine what she's going through. She stood in the middle of the room and crossed her arms. I saw Wally walk to her, say something, and then put his arms around her. What the hell? Now, I know I just sound like a jealous girlfriend, but I know Wally. He's sweet and caring and just great. But I know the difference between him giving someone a hug when they need it, and him giving someone a hug. I can see the difference because he's never hugged me the way he's hugging her right now... Or maybe i'm just on the verge of a psychotic break.

Jesse slowly pulled away from the hug after like a thousand hours, and walked away. I guess this is my chance. Without giving it much thought, I walked over to him.

"Hey, Wally." I took a step so I was in front of him. Due to our height difference, he had to look down at me. I gave him a warm smile and he returned it.

"Hey, beautiful." Usually, when he calls me beautiful, I blush and get butterflies. But now, right this second, it hurt for some reason. Like he was saying it just to say it. What confirmed that was when his eyes looked somewhere behind me. I didn't want to turn around because I already knew where he was looking. But I turned around anyways and looked in the direction his eyes were pointed.

Instead of turning to face Wally, I looked to the ground. Why am I hurt by this? I obviously lost my feelings for Wally. So why did this bother me? I think he realized that I saw the way he was looking at her because he spoke up. "Luna-" But I looked back up and cut him off.

"Can we talk really quick?" Here goes nothing. He nodded. I lightly pulled Wally away from the team and to a corner of the cortex. "I think we should break up." Jeez, Luna. Way to just lay it on him. He stayed silent and his expression didn't change. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly. "Well, say something."

"I agree." Ok, thanks. No tears? No begging for me to stay? "Can I just- Can I know why at least?" Yeah... uh. What was the reason again?

"Uh..." He scanned my face while I thought about it. "Well, there's two reasons, really." I looked down at my hands. "It's just-"

"Is it because of your powers?" I looked up in shock. Wally wasn't supposed to know about that yet... "Yeah... I saw you acting different, so I forced Cisco to tell me what was up." I opened my mouth to say something but he continued. "It's okay that you didn't tell me. But i'm kind of hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me."

"No no no! I do trust you. With my life, actually. When I was discovering my powers, you didn't have yours yet. I felt bad. I didn't want you to feel like everyone was getting powers except you. I should've told you sooner." By the look on his face, I knew that he understood.

"And reason number two?" I gave him a look that said 'do I really need to say it out loud?'.

I turned my head and saw reason number two. She was talking to Caitlin with a worried expression on her face. I turned back to Wally, but his eyes stayed on her. "It's okay." I paused for a moment. "I see the way you look at her. You care about her." I lifted my hand and softly turned his head back to face me.

Tears formed in Wally's eyes. "I'm sorry." He spoke, but it was barely audible.

"No, don't be." I left my hand on his cheek. "Wally West, you're one of the good ones. You treated me like a queen. Thank you for that." A single tear fell from his eye and travelled down his cheek until my thumb wiped it away. He put his hand on mine. "Don't cry, mi amor. If you cry, I cry." He let out small laugh and I smiled at him. Wally then pulled me into a hug.


I nodded. "Friends."

aw they dun for güd
did y'all like them together?
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