23- keeping score

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"No! Please don't do this, Mama! I don't want to go.."

"This world will be better for you. Safer. Krypton is very close to its end and so are we. Soon, we will not be able to live on our planet. The air...." She knelt down so she could talk to me eye to eye.

"I don't understand."

"You will when you're older, my love." She pushed a loose hair behind my ear. "Echora!" She looked to our robot. "You know what you must do. When the time is right, show her everything."

"As you wish."

"Mama. Please don't make me."

She let go of my hand, stood up and slowly backed away. Everything gradually became dark and it felt as though the darkness was swallowing me whole.

"Mama! No!"

"No! Please!" I shot up in my bed. Sweat dripped down my face and onto my pijamas. I looked around and saw my poorly decorated apartment.

It was another dream.

I checked the purple analog clock on the nightstand beside my bed and read 4:46 am. Great..

"Another bad dream Miss?"

"Echora, I told you to call me Luna." I got up from my bed, brushed my teeth, then headed for the kitchen.

Lately i've been focusing on creating new technology and found a way to add Echora into each piece of technology I use everyday. Also, I created a larger bot to help me with chores around the apartment.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Today we have eggs and bacon."

I cringed. "Seriously, Echora? I hate eggs..."

"Protein, Luna." I laughed. "On the bright side, I added bread on the side. I know how much you love bread."
After breakfast, I got changed into my usual attire, a black t-shirt and any pair of skinny jeans I could find.

"Time check."

"It is 5:34, Miss." I rolled my eyes in response to Echora calling me Miss again.

"I suppose I'll go to work early today."

"Have a splendid day."

"You always know what to say, Echora."
Do you ever get a stomach ache when you pull up to a building? I sure do... Pulling up to S.T.A.R. Labs gives me a stomach ache. I don't hate the place, I just always get an uneasy feeling when I approach it.

"Time check." I spoke to the Echora in my car.

"6:12." Ugh this day is going to drag. "May I ask what is bothering you, Luna?"

"I- Im kind of nervous to see Harry. The last time I saw him, we almost- I don't know. It's whatever. It was probably nothing."

"You just received a text from Harry, Miss." Great.

I rested my head back and listened to Echora read me the text.

Harold🌚: Hi, Luna. I know it's probably too early and you're probably still asleep, but i'm going to Jitters. Did you want coffee or something?

That's odd. First of all, he's acting like nothing almost happened between us the other day, and second, he never texts me in the morning asking if I want coffee. He knows HR always has coffee for us and- Oh.... I smell jealousy in the air... A knowing smile creeps onto my face.

I grabbed my phone and started typing.
No, thank you! HR has coffee prepared for us everyday x

Harold🌚: Oh. Um. Okay. No problem.

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsWhere stories live. Discover now