8- calm before the storm

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"Just tell me." I didn't know what he was going to say but I prepared myself for the worst.

"Luna, you're not really my sister." He blurted it out.

"Wh-what?" I gave a nervous chuckle. "That doesn't make sense, Cisco. Stop messing around." I realized he was serious when he didn't move a muscle. "Are you saying I'm adopted?"

"Not exactly." He finally looked up at me and he was crying. "Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

I hesitantly nodded.

"Well, 13 years ago, there... there was a knock on the front door. Mami was putting me and Dante to sleep and told us to fall asleep while she checked who it was. Of course Dante fell asleep, but I was curious. So, I walked down the hall and crouched at the top of the steps so I could see who it was."

"Who was it?" I was confused and didn't understand how anything of this had to do with me.

"There was no one there. Instead, there was a silver capsule on the porch, probably the size of a large watermelon. It was futuristic looking and seemed like it was made from something not of this planet. Anyway, mami brought it inside, set it on the floor, and then closed the door behind her." He shook his head. This looked so painful for him the say, but I needed to know.

"Cisco, what was inside?"

"I couldn't get a good look to see what was inside the capsule. But, I remember there being a note that mami read and shortly after she read it I remember her saying 'ay dios mío'. She called papa and then I quickly ran to my room so they didn't see me."

"What does any of what you just said mean, Cisco."

"All I know, Luna, is that the next day, mami introduced you to me and Dante as our new hermanita."

I was in complete shock. I looked down at my hands feeling confused, angry, sad and everything in between.

"I'm sorry, Luna. That's all I know."

"Are you saying that... that I was in that capsule?"

"I-I mean, I don't know. That's the way it seemed." I got up and decided to go back inside Barry's house. Cisco automatically got up.

"Luna, what are you going to do?"

"Im going to have Caitlin run the tests on me."

When I opened the door, everyone was near the door obviously listening to me and Cisco's conversation. I didn't even care anymore. I felt emotionless. I need to know the truth.

"Well, since you guys are all caught up." I said it with extreme sarcasm.

Barry looked down and whispered 'sorry' while Caitlin gave me a sympathetic look.

"Caitlin, can you please run those tests on me." She nodded softly and with that, we were all on our way back to STAR labs.


"How about I start with a blood sample?" I didn't answer, I just got onto the bed in the med bay and then stared at my feet. Barry and Cisco stood next to the bed while Caitlin got out the supplies out. Harry stayed in the cortex but was awkwardly hovering near the med bay, looking in every once and a while.

Just then I remembered, I have never gotten a flu shot nor have I ever gotten any bloodwork in my entire life. Wait, I have even been to a doctors office...


"Oh my...." I quickly looked at Caitlin, confused. Barry and Cisco got closer to see what was wrong and Harry walked into the med bay really fast. What does he care?

"What? What happened?" I looked at Caitlin.

"Look at this." I watched as Caitlin grabbed another needle and went to put it in my arm. It snapped when it touched the surface of my skin.

"What does that mean? What is happening to me?" A sudden panic came over me.

"Were you affected by the particle accelerator, maybe?" Harry spoke up. I could tell he was trying to stay calm to try and keep me relaxed. It wasn't helping.

Cisco looked at me and saw the state I was in. He spoke up for me.

"She wasn't even in Central City when it exploded. She got stuck in Star City helping Oliver out with a mission.

I got up and started walking out of the med bay when Cisco grabbed my arm.

"Lu, where are you going?"

"To get answers." He let go of my arm and looked down. I know he feels responsible for this. It truly isn't his fault.

I made my way out of the cortex, got to the elevator, and pressed the button. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

"Are you okay?" Harry...

I turned around quickly.

"This is none of your business. Why would you care? You don't even know me." I realized I came off too strong when I saw the defeated look on his face. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"No, you're right. I uh. I'll just..." He awkwardly pointed behind him and started to walk the direction he had come from. I watched him leave. Why was he being so nice to me? I've been nothing but rude to him since the day I met him.

I heard the elevator ding and turned around. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button to get to the main floor.

Time to get some answers.

woah what's happening to Luna?!
do you guys like this story so far?
also, i didn't really have a good picture to use

please comment any suggestions/requests/ideas!

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