32 | Trepidation

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I'm riding the waves right by Old Orchard Beach with a yellow surfboard. After crashing into a wave and flipping over, I pull myself back up onto the surfboard. My hands dip into the water and I paddle around to wait for the next one.

Throwing a quick glance over my shoulder, I see that Leo and Avery get their surfboards as well and swim in my direction. At the shore, Mom is resting on a beach mat with a book in her hands, waving at me. Her shades tuck into the crown of her hair.

I wave back at her. "Guys!" I exclaim in excitement. "Don't be slowpokes! Come on!"

"Coming!" Avery yells back. "Don't leave us behind!"

We squeal just as the second wave hits us. Climbing back onto my surfboard, I turn around again, hoping to tease my friends, but they are missing. Mom too.

Fear and panic grow within me. "Mom?" I search around frantically. "Avery? Leo?"

But no one responds to me. The beach is empty. I'm all alone.

Why am I left behind again?

Something splashes behind me and my surfboard wobbles on the water. Turning back, I watch in horror as a hideous baby Kraken latches onto the end of my surfboard, reaching for me with long tentacles. I flinch and retreat—

—only to realize that I've a fear of water. Since when can I swim or surf?! How is this possible?

This is when it hits me.

All of this is a dream.

I crash backwards into the sea like a hard shove out of this dimension and back to reality. In the next second, I jerk awake with a startled yell, causing water to sweep right into my mouth. I cough and splutter, flailing my hands and trying to get my feet to touch the floor.

It turns out that I'm really in the water.

An arm goes around my waist and pulls me backwards against someone. "Delia," he says and I recognize that worried voice anywhere. "I'm holding you. You're safe."

"W-what?" Disoriented, I wipe the water off my face and swivel around to meet his gaze in confusion. My wet hair sticks to my cheeks. Sunlight spills through the glass window and we're both soaked into an indoor pool that adjoins a terrace. This place clearly belongs to somebody's house. "Why am I in the water?"

His mouth sets in a grim line. His words are full of self-reproach. "It is my fault. They hurt you."

Memory of the creature that tried to kill me flashes into my mind. I feel for my wounds, but they are no longer there. Healed. The pain is gone now.

I glance up at Zarius. "No, no. It's not your fault. There were too many of them. You can't possibly protect us from everything–"

"Oh my god."

A gasp of surprise interrupts our conversation. I've almost forgotten about Maddie. She is standing on the edge of the pool, staring down at both of us. Overwhelmed with shock, she drops my things at her feet.

I'm startled to see blood staining her cheeks, her hands and the left side of her clothes, even though she looks unhurt. And then I realize that isn't her blood, but mine. From earlier.

There's a quake in her voice as she tries to gather herself. "Delia? You're...alright? How? What on earth is going on?"

Her bewildered eyes flicker between me and Zarius, whose irises are glowing in a bright blue. She stares at him, unable to take her eyes off the gills that have appeared on either side of his neck.

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