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Waves wash up my feet, sand sinking beneath them. The summer sun soaks my skin, the temperature rising as the day progresses into the afternoon, but I try to find that sweet balance between the heat, the calming waves, and some privacy for myself.

Zarius has gone home for a while, so I'm left behind with the others. After days of constantly being in their company, the sound of waves is like a melody to my ears.

But fifteen minutes of peace is all I get until someone intrudes on my space.


Jace calls me from the other end of the beach, waving something in his hand, but I spin on my heels and walk away from him.

That doesn't stop him from chasing after me.

"Walters," he groans. "You gotta help me power this thing up! It's dead."

I snort out loud, annoyed. "This is the eighth time you're asking me to do this today."

"I know, I know... I swear this is the last one for the day." He grins. "It's not my fault that you're a walking power bank."

"Hearing you say it makes me sound like a freak."

"A cool freak. I wish I could have an ability like you too, but it's too bad I don't have a tail or merfolk blood in me." He shrugs. "Even Zarius told me that not every merfolk are born with such an ability. You're unbelievably lucky, Walters! A natural talent!"

"Flattery isn't working on me right now, Jace."

The night we arrived at my high school, it turned out that our friends had moved their hideout to the gym room.

After Zarius and I had vanished, Maddie, Jace, and Mia searched around town during the day for us, but to no avail. Our disappearance was a hard hit to the group's morale, especially for Maddie, since I'm the only kin she knew she's left with. Their energies were running low, too.

Mr. Daniels had, sadly, passed away from his bleeding wounds. As for the remaining surviving students, they had gone off on their own in search of help. I don't even know if they're alive now.

If we had gone later, Jace, Maddie, and Mia might not have survived through the next couple of nights.

Now, we are living on an island that's sitting right on top of Zarius's home—Arsythrae. Far away from Old Orchard Beach Town. The creatures can't get across the waters to reach us, especially since a magical barrier has been put into place to protect the kingdom.

Every day, a couple of merfolks whom I don't recognize pay us a quick visit, but they only lurk around the shores. Simply watching us work around our wooden hut as we build a stronger holding to live in and gather all the supplies we need.

It's like they are curious about us, but a warning look from Zarius sends them swimming away. They know better than to go against a Council member's words.

Back to Jace–he's waiting for me expectantly, like a kid who wants his toy.

Ever since he has heard about my ability, he's ecstatic. These days, he has been hoarding a bunch of electronic devices lately during our trips and getting me to charge them to full battery.

He continues to persuade me. "C'mon, Walters. This should be a piece of cake for you. How about I take over your next firewood duty?"

His offer has me stopping in my tracks. We all take turns to collect wood to build a fire, so him volunteering to take over my duty sounds great. I can probably catch a quick nap.

I consider for a moment. "Fine," I agree, "but this is the last one for today."

When he hands me the device, I immediately frown at it. "Jace, isn't this a gaming console?!"

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