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A SHOUT FROM downstairs awoke me from my short nap

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A SHOUT FROM downstairs awoke me from my short nap. Dramatically throwing my legs over the side of my bed, I wondered what on earth my new found brothers could want now.

As I lazily slumped down the stairs, the smell of pizza filled my nose and I moaned in hunger. I huddled over to the kitchen in just my t-shirt and fluffy pajama bottoms, where I assumed the pizza was. Seeing four boxes laying out on the counter I didn't hesitate to grab a small piece and instantly bite into the perfection. As I was going in for another slice a familiar voice spoke behind me.

"Hello again Sunshine" he beamed. I spun around to see the same teasing boy from my mothers wedding. I smiled at the sight of him remembering the ease he brought me last time we spoke.

"Nick! How are you here?" I chuckled, pulling him into a tight hug. Did I really just hug hi-. He laughed at my sudden affection and put his long arms around my neck since my head reached just below his chin.

"One particular Cortez brother told me a much needed visit from me was just what you needed right now. So what's been happening Sunshine?" He pulled away from our hug so he could have me at arms reach in front of him. I was about to answer his question with another question when I remembered Kameron's reaction to seeing us together last time.

"Wait, Kameron. If he sees you and me, he'll make you go-"

"Hey Sunshine, it's ok. He's at our gym for the night. It's just me and you. And everyone else of course" he assured me. Hold up, did he just say 'our gym'?

"Wait, your gym?" I ask. He chuckled at my curiosity and nodded his head before saying he owned a gym with him. Of course he owns a gym. I mean look at him- what why am I thinking that?

"Ca- Can we go up to my room to talk?" I hesitated. I didn't want to scare him off by making him I wanted to keep him to myself in my room or something.

"Of course, Sunshine" he smiled before I showed him up to my room. Sunshine? That's new. It's makes me sound so little. I'm not little. I'm like 5'3. And he looks 6'4 so he's a giant. I'm normal sized.

Once we got to my room I sat down on my bed in a criss cross with my legs before facing him who sat down on the Ottoman at the end of my bed.

"Let's talk Sunshine. We don't have to but I can tell you want to" he eased. I nodded in response that I wanted to and he gestured for me to go ahead.

"Not much has happened since I last saw you. I've moved into here. But that's pretty much it. But I feel like so much has changed. My mother is constantly around Kylan and I'm happy for her and I want her to spend time with her husband"

"-but it pains you to watch them together" Nick finished for me. And I nodded in agreement.

"It just reminds me of what it was like with my father when he was still with us. He left us when my little brother was a newborn. We were so close. I looked up to him so much. I mean who wouldn't. He was a pilot and although he was gone a lot, he made sure to spend all his spare time with us. I haven't told anyone about this" I mumbled the last part. Nick just kept looking at me waiting for me to continue.

"It's ok. I'm listening" he nodded.

"I was so upset when my mother told me he left. I should've felt sad or heartbroken even like my mother. But I just felt angry and betrayed. He didn't tell us anything. Where he was going. Goodbye. He just packed his stuff and left. And now I'm terrified because I've spend years since then promising to never let anything like that and now all these people are trying to let me into their family and I keep shutting them out. I don't deserve them" I sniffled, not even noticing that I started crying. Nick sat up from the end of the bed and walked around to where I was and sat right in front of me. He reached up and wiped the tears from my eyes, before gently lifting my head with his warm hands.

"You are so special Elle. Why can't you see that? You are so special to all the people around you. You've spent years looking after your mother and brother. It's time you slowed down to look after yourself." He smiled at me. A warm tingle went down my spine at the way he said my name. He tucked a lone hair behind his ear before muttering something under his breath along the lines of 'the things she does to me'.

"Thanks for being here for me. For listening" I whispered, my voice hoarse from the crying. He nodded before leaning his head down so our foreheads touched. He closed his eyes and I soon followed. Not either of us making a single ounce of noise except for slight wind outside on my balcony. I could feel his heart beating in front of me but mine was definitely beating 10x faster than his was. I don't really have any words to explain what's happening right now. But I don't needs words. I just need this. Right now. With Nick.

I wasn't gonna leave this blissful moment anytime soon and I don't think Nick was either but a loud ping from his phone made us pull apart. He glanced down at the screen, letting out a sigh before standing up.

"Time to go?" I frowned, the hint of disappointment could be heard from my voice.

"Yeah. Time to go, Sunshine. Make sure you eat something, ok?" He smiled sadly. Even when he's leaving, he has to make sure I eat.

"Nick, just promise me, you'll try and come back to see me soon?" I hoped. With Kameron around, I don't know when I'll see him next.

"I promise. Don't miss me too much, ok Sunshine?" He smiled. I nodded towards him before he walked towards my door, giving me one last smile before he disappeared out of my sight.

I sighed as I fell back onto my bed out of my sitting position. Only a few moments later I could hear a small knock on my door. I could only assume one person who would knock so timidly and I called out for them to come in. Finn's small body waddled in clutched his dinosaur teddy in one arm and other was rubbing his eyes.

"Sissy, can I sleep in here tonight? My rooms big and lonely" he whispered.

"Of course Finny" I smiled and he ran up to the other side of my bed jumping under the covers. I moved towards him and made sure he was all tucked in before cuddling against him.

"Are you happy Ellie?" He mumbled, sleepily.

Am I happy?

"Yeah, I am" I smiled as he dozed off, and I soon followed. My dreams all featuring a certain blonde boy.

 My dreams all featuring a certain blonde boy

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Awww I love Finn ❤️❤️🥹🥹

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