Part 14

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Anastasia blinked as she stared at the black voided eyes of the creature that Athy found. Inwardly she thought that the dreaded day might come too soon and she wasn't completely sure what to do whether to intervene or not. If she did, there will be no slight character development for Claude or for anyone, also, the key to success (Lucas) will not be on their side for the new future.

She bit her lip lightly and frowned. Her face showed a clear look of anxiousness and the puppy that was staring at her tilted its head and whined. The tiny little thing made its way to Anastasia and came up to her lap and rubbed its head on her belly.

Ana felt moved, and hugged it.

The first time she was left with this creature she was unsure to move or anything cuz she thought that this will pounce at her anytime. Fortunately, this was not hostile to her and was a sweet chocolate lover "dog."

"Oh you sweet little thing~" She cooed and started to rub it's belly affectionately and the sweet little thing was loving it.

She smiled but then her eyes stared at the creature with no emotion.

This one creature that was created from the overflowing mana of Athanasia... and caused her to almost blow up and throw up blood. She thought grimly to herself and stared at it and sighed, and what can I do about it anyway? It was bound to happen, if I interfere it will lead me to not knowing the future or I don't know.

The little girl put down the dog.. or wolf on the couch as she stood from her seat. She turned her head to the window and stared at the nature behold outside. It was around mid afternoon and the weather was calm and soothingly warm. She sighed and thought to hope for the best.

But what about me?

She shrugged, but she felt sick thinking that her sister would soon suffer alone while all she can only do is wait for Lucas to save the day.

There was the feeling again that would often make her feel sick. Where her thoughts would lead to make sure to protect her sister no matter what. What enveloped her was the idea to make Athy be happy. And despite her having to remember some of the chapters in the manhwa she read back then, she was scared of the thought that it will be erased-- be forgotten and she won't know what to do.

How great. She thought sarcastically and rolled her eyes to herself.

As she walked on the grass outside the palace, her low pigtails of gold flowed along the breeze. As she grew, Ana noticed that her hair color slowly became vibrant gold like their father much to Athy's delight. You know how that crazy gold girl would start drooling over gold.

Her loli outfit is made out of pink with white collar and white frillies that is adorned with some small black ribbons and one larger one tied around her waist.

She wasn't really into frilly outfits but Lily insisted saying it was cute. Not to mention, she and Athy were almost identical, well they are twins after all.

Tomorrow is a dreadful day. She wanted to do something but she also knew she couldn't. She would but life told her that she won't be able to.

A flapping sound echoed.

"Huh?" She muttered to herself before looking around trying to spot any bird near her.

Ana actually thought that it would take her a little while to look from where it belonged but there it was.

A beautiful creature with alluring dark blue orbs, shimmering as it reflects the light from the sun. It has light blue feathers and a growing antenna-like thing on its head. Despite the large flaps it made earlier, Ana saw that the wings were small enough for the bird that has the size of combined two average sized hands. Not to mention it looked around 5 days old for a bird.

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