New me?

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3 months later

(mention of abuse⚠️)


Who would have known 3 months can change a person so much. Being in a house with a now abusive alcoholic mother does things to you. She ruined my innocence and I will never forgive her for that. My mother began drinking once we moved. My grandma was the only one there for me. She explained a lot of things to me and it broke me. My mom started hitting me and my grandma would always try and save me but she was too weak.

Then she would always rant to me about everything. School wasn't any better. Nobody cared I was invisible and I actually liked that but it gets a little lonely. Sometimes I think about getting back in contact with Ash but I never do. I miss him so much.

I started drinking with my mom. I don't know why it was always laying around so i tried it and now I can't go a day without at least a bottle. I curse a lot too since that's literally all they do here. I dress the same which i'm starting to hate since it reminds me of the good days which I will never get back.

I just got home from school to the smell of alcohol but it was fresh so I know my mom was home. I went in the living room and see her drinking while staring at nothing. "Mom?" I called her name. "Your going back with your dad." she said slurring her words. I was surprised but also happy. "Why?" was something I felt the need to ask. Before I knew it a beer bottle was being thrown at me but luckily it missed.

I ran up to my room locked it. I started packed and had a feeling like I needed something in my system. I walked downstairs to see my grandma cleaning up after my mom. I help her clean up while we stay silent. My mom was sleeping on the couch with a bottle in her hand. Once we got done clean I hugged my grandma.

"How was your day butterfly?" grandma asked. I loved that nickname it made me feel pure again. "It was okay but I'm moving back with my dad." I said sighing taking a bottle off the counter and starting to drink it. I looked at my grandma and she had a sad face. I know she hated seeing me like this but I couldn't help it.

"I told your mom to let you go. I don't think this is a good environment for you." she said patting my cheek. I knew she was right. I wasn't doing well at all. Failing my classes, not taking care of myself, going to sleep late, etc. I got up taking the bottle with me to go finish packing.

Later that night

My dad called me and told me he was on his way to pick me up. I was really excited to see him so I got ready. Well my version of ready now. Just throwing on whatever is on my floor brushing my teeth and washing my face.

(I know it don't look soft but it's soft enough)

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(I know it don't look soft but it's soft enough)

I sat on the couch next to my mom in silence. I get a text from my dad saying he's outside. I stand up and face my mom about to hug her before she stopped me. "Get out." she said plainly. It didn't hurt I've gotten told worse. I went to my grandma and hugged her tightly.

"Get better my beautiful butterfly." she said with tears in her eyes. I walked out the house seeing my dad. I ran to him hugging him tight. Oh how I missed this.  I saw in the car someone I didn't know. He looked mean and kinda like a basic white boy. We walked to the car and I got in the back.

"Who's the uncooked chicken looking guy?" I asked my dad. My dad looked back at me "Hey watch your mouth your grandma warned me you became cold." he said chuckling turning around starting the car. "This is Nate he's my friends son." my dad said. I was burning holes in the back of Nate's head waiting for him to greet me but he didn't. "Well hello to you too." I said rolling my eyes. He turned around with a obviously fake smile "Hi (Y/n) nice to finally meet you." then turning around. Well this is gonna be a long ride.


hey yallsssss told y'all i wasn't done we just getting started

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