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Third person POV

It was the next day and Fez had everyone sitting down on the couch looking at them like a strict dad. "Ard so y'all got some explaining to do." he said in a serious tone pointing at Rue and (Y/n). They looked at each other then (Y/n) spoke up "listen i start smoking when i lived at my moms. I was stressed and around the wrong people." Ash looked at her confused "I don't get it what happened at ya moms that got you into this shit?" he asked.

(Y/n) stayed quiet obviously not wanting to answer. "I'm talking to you (Y/n)" Ash said getting serious. At this point (Y/n) was getting annoyed "Stop being so fucking pushy I obviously don't want to tell you." she said getting up walking to the door with Rue following. "Because Im worried about you (Y/n). I don't know what happened to you but this isn't the (Y/n) I know."

He said getting up and following her to the door. She let Rue out before her before turning around getting really close to Ashtrays face. "I didn't ask for your fucking help. You have your own fucking problems so let me deal with my own." she said before turning around and slamming the door.

(Y/n) and Rue went to Rues house to hang. The sat on Rues bed before Rue pulled out two molly's. They took them and laid down looking at the ceiling in silence. 10 minutes later (Y/n) got a call from her dad. "(Y/n) come home NOW." he said before hanging up. (Y/n) got up "I gotta go my dads bugging." she said before leaving.

Walking home she was in a daze mind blink. When she walked threw the door her dad was standing there angry. He slapped her which made her fall. "This is what staying with your fucking mom did to you? you become a DRUGGY and a start smoking. You need to be taught a lesson." he said before gripping (Y/n) up. He found out from Rues mom who told him thinking it would help her before she ended up like Rue.

He began beating her until he saw blood. (Y/n) was too weak to fight back so she let it happen. At some point she blacked out and that's when he stopped. He picked her up throwing her in her room before nailing the door and windows shut.

A Week later

(Y/n) was still locked in her room. She began to go crazy without her drugs and weed and felt like she was going insane. After about 7 days with only one meal a day and no drugs she couldn't do it anymore.

She started crying and pulling her hair mumbling words. She got up and started banging on the door yelling "PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE IM SORRY!" She knew nobody was home but hoped someone heard her. She heard foot steps and continued to bang. "Hey (Y/n) it's me. I wish I could help you I've been trying to convince your dad but he won't listen. Just a few more days." Cal said.

(Y/n) felt angry at the sound of his voice "YOU MOTHERFUCKER ITS YOUR FAULT THIS HAPPENED ITS YOUR FAULT THIS IS HAPPENING TO BE I WISH YOU NEVER CAME INTO MY DADS LIFE YOU DICK EATING BITCH!" she yelled know he was listening. She heard him walk away so she started kicking the door with all her might. After about 10 kicks she had a good size hole in the wall. She started ripping the door so she could climb threw. Once she got threw she saw Cal at the bottom of the steps she ran down the steps before Cal stopped her.

"I can't let you go I'm sorry." he said holding (Y/n). Without a second through (Y/n) kicked him where it hurts and ran out the door. She ran without stopping straight to Fezzes door. Once she got there she started banging on the door. Fez opened it and seeing her sweating with bruises that began to fade. "Yo (Y/n) what the fuck happened to you?" he said worried. Ashtray got up from the kitchen table and walked to the door "What the fuck happened?!" he said checking (Y/n). She slapped his hand away "I'm fine but please please can i get some molly or anything?" she said out of breathe. The both frowned  "no I can't do that." Fez said.

(Y/n) was getting impatient and ran past both of them to the kitchen where she knew Ashtray was counting pills. Luckily Ash ran right behind her and picked her up before she can get anything. (Y/n) began fighting against his arms but she was strong enough. He locked her in his room knowing he had already took all the drugs from out of there. (Y/n) started banging on the door yelling.




That was the last straw from Ash he unlocked his door going into it. He grabbed (Y/n) by her wrist so she wouldn't hit him. "Because we care about you (Y/n). This ain't the life for you and you know that so stop." he said trying to control his temper. (Y/n) stopped trying to fight him and just broke down. She knew this wasn't the life for her but she got sucked into it anyways. Ash picked her up bringing her to his bed laying her down while rubbing her back until she fell asleep.

Ok Ok i'm a day late don't be mad i was busy but here you go 950 words

face reveal next chapter?

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