Chapter 15

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Hearing what Ji Youguang said, the people who didn't know how to eat melons—music teachers and students realized how good Qi Linqing's Chinese painting is.

They saw the news on the Internet before that Qi Linqing was going to study art, but it turned out to be true? ? ?

Ji Youguang asked him: "You plan to take the art test in the future, right?"

Qi Linqing didn't answer immediately, but first recalled the term in his mind.

Art test is a way for high school students in this era to go to college by drawing, and has low requirements for cultural points.

Because of the poor grades in "Transformation", the original owner said that he planned to take the art test route in the future. However, he lost his name in the college entrance examination, and his cultural and professional scores were terrible. In the end, he could only go to a few junior pheasant universities.

Compared with Qi Lele, who also succeeded in going to the Beijing Film Academy by art test, the original owner was under tremendous psychological pressure.

It is impossible for Qi's parents to let him go to a junior college, so they decided to send him abroad for gilding.

But they didn't think about it at all.

The original owner stumbled even in the most everyday spoken language.

That summer, Internet violence, coupled with the long-awaited male **** Zhong Chen refused his confession.

-The original owner committed suicide by jumping off the building.

"Yeah." Qi Linqing said, "I'm going to the art exam."

Even in modern times, he will continue to pursue art.

Ji Youguang nodded, "Then you should register for this competition."

Qi Linqing: "But..."

Ji Youguang stuffed "Tonglu On Paintings" into his hands, and firmly said: "No! You look at my book, it is a 95-year collector's edition, and there are no clear and detailed pictures and annotations on the market now. NS."

Qi Linqing lowered his head and subconsciously took the book and turned two pages.

It is said that the things that cannot be obtained are the most precious.

Not to mention knowledge.

He hesitated for a moment, and the balance quickly tilted in his heart. Books are such a precious treasure, if the teacher is willing to lend it to himself, how about participating in an intramural competition.


After finishing the book, the two students rushed back to the classroom.

"Big news!" They were out of breath with excitement, and wanted to share the big gossip they had just seen with their classmates.

"Qi Linqing will have Chinese painting! And it's super awesome!"

But after they talked about Qi Linqing's stunning Chinese painting on the spot, no one believed it at all.

The classmate yawned boredly.

"Don't lie, come, let's do our homework together." The class beckoned to them.


At the same time, the music office.

"The way Qi Linqing drew just now was really handsome..."

"I'm going to turn people around in the dark."

"I also!"


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