Chapter 1 : Have you ever considered manscaping?

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No one wakes up and plans to smash the windows of their cheating boyfriend's car before threatening to set his house on fire in front of a neighborhood of witnesses--it just sort of happens

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No one wakes up and plans to smash the windows of their cheating boyfriend's car before threatening to set his house on fire in front of a neighborhood of witnesses--it just sort of happens.

Rowena Flores swung the baseball bat her boyfriend of six months always kept in the trunk of his car. She thought his neighbors would have called the cops by now but instead of picking up their phones and reporting the crazy woman with the baseball bat, they all seemed to be standing outside, watching. An older couple even brought out some lawn chairs and a pitcher of lemonade.

Reed Condren, otherwise known as the cheating boyfriend, stood a few feet away from Rowena, hands up in front of him as if she were some sort of feral animal he wanted to get close to without risking bodily harm to himself. He was naked except for a pair of blue boxer shorts splattered with a pattern of four-leaf clovers. Reed was the most superstitious person she knew. Rowena had gifted him those boxers as a joke with an exaggerated wink, saying, "You'll get lucky anytime you wear them, Reed." Too bad she didn't realize he'd be getting lucky with another woman. What a jerk! She swung the bat again.

"Slash his tires!" Someone shouted. Rowena jumped and stole a look at the neighbors who were all pretending to be busy outside. One person washing their car outside seemed normal, but three? And all at once? Highly unlikely.

Reed took a cautious step forward. "Rowena, put the bat down. Let's talk this out. I swear she means nothing to me."

She, being the Amazonian blonde standing behind him, who was currently wearing one of his shirts. She reminded Rowena of a Barbie doll minus the big plastic boobs. She was tall with pale skin and unusually muscular thighs. Rowena wondered if she was a runner to have such muscular legs before looking down at her own thighs which sometimes rubbed together when she walked. Rowena frowned. She had wide hips, big boobs, was five-four in heels, had dark hair and olive skin. Other than their poor taste in Reed, the two women were complete opposites.

"Reed!" The blonde shoved his shoulder. "How can you say I mean nothing to you? What do you even see in her?"

"I know what he sees in her," one of the men washing their cars said, gazing appreciatively at Rowena. He took a deep breath and grinned. "Red velvet cupcakes, sun dried linens, and burnt vanilla. Yes, I can definitely tell what he sees in her."

Rowena turned and smiled, tilting her head to him. "Why, thank you. That was totally weird but I'll take a compliment however it's given."

"Wyatt, are you seriously flirting with my girlfriend right now?" Reed hissed.

Rowena raised the bat. "I'm not your girlfriend anymore!"

She tried remembering what her therapist told her to do when she was upset. Count to ten?
"Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten! It's not working!" She swung the bat again and Reed flinched as it made contact with his car's headlight.

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