Chapter 8: She's My Woman

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It's not really breaking and entering when the home you're trying to sneak into is your own, is it? Rowena huffed out a breath of air as she wiggled through the small window in her bedroom

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It's not really breaking and entering when the home you're trying to sneak into is your own, is it? Rowena huffed out a breath of air as she wiggled through the small window in her bedroom. The ledge dug into her flesh, and she cursed all the past servings of Doritos and donuts she ate that rewarded her with large hips.

"Almost there," she grunted.

Behind her, Abby was keeping watch. "I really don't understand why we have to break in through a window. It's your house!"

Rowena scowled. "Because your crazy brother and his minions abducted me and stole my keys."

"My brother is not crazy. Although, full disclosure-he's going to go crazy if he finds out we left Howler."

Were they seriously going to argue while she was stuck in her window? Rowena gave herself a mental shake. "Cross is very crazy. Not only did he kidnap me, he asked me to be his consort, he accused me of murder knowing I was innocent, and it's his fault I was kidnapped and have another crazy wolf trying to kill me!"

Abby was quiet for a few moments, mulling over what Rowena shared. "He asked you to be his consort?"

Rowena rolled her eyes. "That's all you took away from my rant?"

"It's the most important part. Did he really ask you to be his consort?" Abby asked.

"Yes, does that matter?"

"Of course, it matters! Cross is the alpha of the Howler pack. He's never had a consort before. Our father didn't have one either because he loved our mother. He didn't need one. Our grandfather...well, he had a few of them."

"Great. Can we not talk about how your brother asked me to be his side-piece while my badonkadonk is hanging out the window?"

"Did you just say badonkadonk?"

Rowena growled.

Abby giggled. "Rowena, I'm going to have to push you in if we want to get to the pawnshop on time."

Before Rowena could respond, she felt a push from Abby and she went flying across the room. Her face hit the wall and she groaned.

"Oops! Sorry. I forget my own strength sometimes," Abby said, easily jumping through the window. Her eyes traveled around the room in what Rowena could only describe as disappointment. "You don't really have anything to pawn, do you?"

Rowena ignored Abby, pushing herself up and stretching her neck. She padded over to her closet and picked up a black box. "For your information, I'm going to pawn this."

"What's in it?"

"My crystal ball."

Abby walked over. "This is what you use when you tell fortunes? Reed mentioned this is why he thought you were a witch. He said you told his fortune one day and that you were incredibly accurate."

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