Chapter 26: Good Witch, Bad Alpha

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Rowena knew the exact moment Maybelle discovered she knew the truth

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Rowena knew the exact moment Maybelle discovered she knew the truth. Her mouth tipped up and her eyes crinkled in merriment. It was a game to her.

"Ahhh...I see you found something else out," Maybelle said, standing in front of the door. "Don't keep me waiting. Who texted you? Was it Cross? Abby?"

"Jeremiah," Rowena whispered, still processing the fact that Maybelle was having an affair with Bobby and now had the motivation to kill Casey. What was it that Cross once said? Revenge is a dish best served cold.

"The male hooker?" Maybelle asked, her voice light and airy.

"Escort," Rowena corrected. "He isn't a hooker."

"And what did your male escort friend have to say, Rowena?"

"You were sleeping with Bobby, weren't you? You were his ex-lover?"

Maybelle grinned. "Can you prove that?"

"You gave him that elephant pencil holder, didn't you?"

"Yes, but it was a long time ago while he was still working at the rec center. Before he cheated on me with the likes of Casey Sloane."

"You're disgusting," Rowena hissed. "He was your stepson."

"Bobby was in his late twenties when we started seeing one another and his father had already passed away. There was nothing wrong with what we were doing. It's a shame Casey had to make him her target. Greg, our old alpha was friends with my husband. He said I betrayed my husband when I started my relationship with Bobby. He made me leave. It was all for nothing because of Casey Sloane. She had to pay for what she did!"

"Why did Wyatt leave? Were you sleeping with him too?"

Maybelle grimaced. "Of course not! Wyatt didn't want to be in the same pack as his brother. Bobby knew how he felt about Casey but he still slept with her. "

"You killed Casey."

"Someone had to do it," Maybelle said. "She made it her mission to steal every taken man around her. She had to be stopped! Do you know how many men have cheated with her? You can't tell me you aren't a little glad she's gone."

"Flint tried killing me because of that!"

"Yes." Maybelle nodded. "I convinced him you were a witch and that you killed his sister. He believed me and went after you with such gusto. Unfortunately, he found the lighter fluid, rope, and matches in my garage. He could smell his sister on a pair of gloves I used. Who knew Flint was smart enough to figure out who killed his sister?"

"You killed Flint?"

She nodded. "We struggled and I did what any woman would do. I kicked him in the family jewels and took my shot."

"And Bobby?"

"Bobby. Poor Bobby." Maybelle stepped into the middle of the room. "He was an accident. He was supposed to take the fall for Flint and Casey. Unfortunately, he decided to get involved with Flint. He abducted you."

Good Witch, Bad Alpha (A Not so Cozy Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now