Chapter 6: Don't You Dare Fall in Love With Me!

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Something was tickling her nose

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Something was tickling her nose. Rowena tried to lift her hand to bat it away, but she didn't have the strength. She turned her head away from the familiar meowing sound at her right ear. Deep purrs vibrated against her neck before the sound was abruptly taken away. Rowena's eyes fluttered open.

The familiar white walls and expensive sheets of the bed she was laying on told her she was back in Cross Howler's home. She grimaced. Her head ached and her breath was so bad she could taste it.

"She's awake!" A female voice called out.

Rowena turned to see Abby Howler, Cross' sister, staring down at her. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing an oversized white knit sweater. If Rowena hadn't personally heard her threaten to kill Casey earlier that week, she would've assumed Abby was a sweet human as opposed to the revenge-hungry wolf she made herself out to be.

"W-what happened?" Rowena asked, trying not to gag after smelling her own breath.

Abby pursed her lips together as if she were debating what to share before coming to a decision and shaking her head. "I think we should wait for Cross to get here. He should be able to answer any questions you might have."

"Did you at least catch Casey's brother?" Rowena asked. "I think he tried to kill me."

Abby frowned but didn't answer. Rowena could hear her cat meowing. "Is that Kitty?"

Abby bent over to pick up the overweight calico cat. "Your cat is named Kitty? She looks more like a horse, she's so big. I've never seen a cat this big."

Rowena didn't have the strength in her to get upset on Kitty's behalf. Kitty was nowhere near the size of a horse. Instead, she gave Abby a noncommittal shrug. "The vet said she's healthy but needs to be on a diet."

Kitty hissed and Rowena swore her cat understood the word diet was as good as a curse word.

"Is there a special toothbrush kidnap victims get around here? I really want to brush my teeth." Rowena said. "My own breath is making me want to vomit."

Abby made a garbled sound as if she were trying to swallow her laughter but failing. "A special toothbrush for kidnap victims? As if we have more than one kidnap victim but only one toothbrush and you all have to share it?"

Rowena's head pounded. "Or a mint? A piece of gum will do."

"There are extra toothbrushes in the bathroom. Do you think you have the strength to get up?" Abby asked.

Rowena groaned as she forced herself to get up from the bed. She swung her legs over the bed and took a deep breath. She coughed and almost gagged. "Seriously, why does my breath smell like something died in my mouth?"

"You were vomiting quite a bit before you passed out again. Cross said it was your body trying to get rid of the poison."

"So, Flint really did try to kill me." It was more of a statement than a question. Rowena didn't wait for Abby to respond. She pushed herself up and made a mewling sound as she forced herself to the bathroom.

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