Chapter 11: Cross and Rowena Bonding Time

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You could tell a lot about a person based on the music they listened to in their car

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You could tell a lot about a person based on the music they listened to in their car. Rowena listened to just about anything from K-pop to classical. Sitting in a truck with a somber Cross, she realized he listened to the news.

"I don't see why you didn't just let me ride back with Abby," Rowena grumbled, fumbling with the touchscreen that controlled the satellite radio stations.

Cross turned to her with a disbelieving brow lifted. "If I left you two alone, who knows what trouble you'd get into? Just consider this Cross and Rowena bonding time."

"I'm not sure we should be bonding but we told you—I wanted to pawn my crystal ball." She lifted the box her fortune-telling prop was held in. Cross had placed it on her lap after practically shoving her in his truck and ordering Liam and Matt to ride with his sister, Abby, back to Howler.

"Everything you need will be provided for you at Howler while you're under our protection. You didn't need to pawn anything. Just admit you lied about the ball so you two could talk to Little Mikey."

"I admit nothing."

Cross shook his head, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. "I can't believe you convinced Abby to take you to Howler. It was dangerous. Flint Sloane is out there somewhere, gunning for you. If you don't care about your own life, at least care about my sister's."

His words caused an unfamiliar weight in her stomach. So, he didn't care if she put herself in danger as long as his sister was safe? She shrugged the hurt away. It wasn't as if she really knew Cross. Sure, he had asked her to be his consort but only in name. As far as him showing flashes of possessiveness—she had a feeling it was more of a compulsion than something he voluntarily did.

Maybe it was because she smelled so good? She shivered. It was weird to know the town of Howler was comprised of wolf-shifters hiding in plain sight.

The trip to Little Mikey's was necessary. As much as Cross said he believed she didn't kill Casey, a big part of her didn't believe him. What he said made sense. There was no way she could've killed Casey based on strength alone. Originally, he thought she was a witch and had used her powers to help tie the she-wolf to a chair before setting Reed's house on fire.

It became clear she didn't really have powers after having her tied up and her second kidnapping with the Nightshade pack.

"You act like I twisted your sister's armed," Rowena muttered.

His grey eyes flashed in amusement. "Ro, I believe you could talk a nun into devil-worshipping."

"Sacrilege!" She gasped in mock horror. "And did you just call me, Ro?"

He smirked. "Abby called you that and you said you liked it. I figured if you're going to be my consort one day, you should be okay with me calling you a nickname."

There he went again with the whole consort thing. Why?

"Cross? Why do you keep joking about me being your consort? Abby, Liam, and Matt seemed surprised about it."

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