Chapter 2 : Are you a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?

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Rowena couldn't move her arms

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Rowena couldn't move her arms. She opened her eyes and stretched her legs out, curling her toes. She tried moving her arms to her side. They didn't budge. She sighed. Her arms were raised above her head tied to the slats of her bed's headboard.

Wait a minute. Her bed didn't have a headboard.

Her eyes scanned the walls surrounding her. Instead of the usual dark blue paint that adorned her bedroom, the walls were a soft eggshell white. She tugged her wrists and looked down at herself. She was still in her silk purple nightie.

"Am I having some kind of kinky sex dream?" Rowena wondered aloud. It wouldn't have been the first time.

A door to her right opened and the sexiest man Rowena had ever laid eyes on walked through the door. He had to be over six feet tall. His light grey eyes narrowed on her in an overly serious way, making Rowena want to ruffle the dark hair curling at his neck.

He stomped towards her and stopped at the edge of the bed, those grey eyes flickering down her body in a way that made Rowena blush.

He leaned forward and growled, "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"

Rowena blinked.

"Whoa. Are you seriously quoting The Wizard of Oz to me in my kinky sex dream?"

One of his brows lifted as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "The Wizard of Oz?" His deep voice had a note of confusion. "Do you have ties to some sort of wizard, Witch?"

Rowena frowned. "Two questions. One, did you just seriously call me a witch? Because I don't think that's supposed to happen in a kinky sex dream. Unless we're role-playing. Are we role-playing? Two, how do you not know The Wizard of Oz? You literally just quoted it."

He stared at her, a blank expression on his face.

"You know...when Glinda the Good Witch pops in front of Dorothy? She asks her, 'Are you a good witch or a bad witch?' and Dorothy is like, 'I'm not a witch at all.' You have to remember Glinda. She wore this freaking amazing pink dress with huge sleeves, sparkles, and a matching crown. Even if you hate the film, you could never forget Glinda-she's the best dressed character in the whole movie! I would've killed for her dress when I was a kid. It's a classic movie with Judy Garland. Have you never seen it?"

When he didn't respond, Rowena sighed. "This dream sucks. I can't trust a man who doesn't know who The Wizard of Oz is. I really need to stop eating spicy food before bed. It gives me bad dreams and heartburn. Can I wake up now?" She was tugging on the restraints holding her wrists in place, her heartrate rising. This dream felt a little too real for her liking.

"You are awake," the handsome stranger said, his brow puckered in confusion.

Rowena's breath hitched before she gave a nervous laugh. "Th-this isn't a dream?"

Good Witch, Bad Alpha (A Not so Cozy Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now