Looking for him

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"Come on, everybody! Everybody calm down. Start breathing calmly." Someone stepped forward exactly five minutes after the dokkaebi disappeared.

He was a sturdy man with short cut hair, one head taller than the average height.

"Are you calm yet? Please stop your actions and pay attention to me for a moment."

'Ho, Lee Hyunsung'

The people sobbing or making calls stopped. Once everyone's eyes were gathered on him, the big man opened his mouth again, "As you know, in the event of a national disaster, small disturbances can cause large human casualties. That's why I will now control the situation."

"What, who are you?"

"A national disaster situation? What are you saying?"

Some people belatedly recovered and strongly resisted the world 'control.' Then the young man pulled a government official card out of his wallet. "I am currently an army lieutenant serving in the 6502 unit."

Some people's faces became relieved. "A soldier, he is a soldier."

However, it was too early to be relieved.

"I just received a message from my unit."

People gathered in front of the soldier's smartphone. I was able to read the contents without difficulty because I was near it.

–A level 1 national disaster situation has occurred. All troops gather quickly.

"Soldier-nim! What is happening?"

"I have been trying to contact my unit, but…"

"The Blue House! What is the Blue House doing? Please contact the president quickly!"

"I'm sorry. I am just an ordinary soldier and don't have a hotline to the Blue House."

"Then why are you taking control?"

"For the sake of the safety of all citizens…"

'He's still a good person like always'

Even if he didn't interact much with other members of the 'team' of Yoo Jonghyuk he still watched them, and Hyunsung was really a good person.

But everytime he try to talk to them Jonghyuk didn't let him do that.

"The prime minister is making a speech! It is really a level one disaster!"

Everyone turned on their smartphones at someone's cry.

-To all my fellow citizens, unidentified terrorists are currently active in an unspecified number of areas, including Seoul.

The contents of the speech were simple. The current government would mobilize all means and methods to fight the terrorists, and there would never be any negotiations. Thus, everyone should confidently continue with their lives…

"But where is the president? Why is the prime minister making the speech?"

"The president has already been hit."

"What? Really?"

"I'm not sure. A Naver comment―"

"Shit, then it is fake!"

Of course, I knew it wasn't a fake comment.

"Uwaaaaack! What?"

People dropped their phones as gunshots were heard from all over. It originated from their smartphones.

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