An angelic smile

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We came back and saw everyone else alive.

"Dokjssi, we did it!"

"Yes, i know"

Everybody was really happy that we made it alive, without killing someone. I looked next to me to not encounter Lee Gilyoung.

"Where is Gilyoung?"

“Ah, Gilyoung…"

Yoo Sangah turned around to look for him. Currently Lee Gilyoung was hugging Cale while Lee Jihye and Kim Namwoon was looking at him with jealous.

"Lee Gilyoung are you all right?"

"Yes Hyung!"

Cale who questioned him was relieved. How could he not, he was just a child, nothing more.

Yoo Jonghyuk was only looking at him while using Sage’s Eyes. Cale who noticed this only
frowned and hit him on the arm. Yoo Jonghyuk understood this and turned off his skill.

While Lee Gilyoung only smirked at Lee Jihye and Kim Namwoon.

"You, come with me"

Lee Gilyoung looked at Yoo Jonghyuk then at Cale.

"As much I love Hyung I don't want to"

“…You really won't go with me?"


“You can become much stronger with me than with him. You still won't go?"

"Yes. I won't."

"…Stupid kid."

"Hey, don't call him that"

Cale who heard the conversation stopped him.

"Gilyoung don't mind him, he's a good person it's just that his temper it's no good."

"It's okay Hyung. I'm going to be more strong in the future so i can protect you and Dokja Hyung"

'Ahh this kid is so cute'

But as much as he liked kids he cannot take children away.

"Yes, i will wait"

He patted Gilyoung head while smiling at him.

'As much as I like him he already has a parent figure and that's Kim Dokja'

"Why don't you go with Dokjssi?"

"Ah, yes!"

He turned away and went with everyone else.

"Dokja hyung!"

"I don't like that kid..."

Kim Namwoon said with an annoyed face.

"Yeah he's stupid, like father said!"

Jihye shouted angrily and looked away.


Cale looked at Yoo Jonghyuk with a questioning gaze.

"You wanted that..."


"You said you wanted kids..."

"No! I said I missed the kids"

"It's the same"

Cale covered his face while his ears turned red. This bastard! I only said I missed the kids because I remembered them.


"Dad, don't you want to be called like that...?"

Kim Namwoon put a sad puppy face.

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