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I'm back and sorry for the wait, I thought this fanfic was not going to have more support so I didn't update, but recently I viewed all of your comments, and I am grateful that all of you like this story, so I decided to continue. Thanks!


'It isn't fair'
'It isn't fair'
'It isn't fair'

That were Secretive Plotter thoughts...

Cale Henituse

That was the name of the only person who he really loved.

The one who really understood him.

The one that was always with him.

His soulmate

Cale and him met when their were children. He didn't have any other memories, he only remembered Cale.

Maybe it was the price to pay. He didn't remember his childhood but instead he kept all the moments that he and Cale had together.

From the 0th to the 1863rd turn.

When they got married.

When they adopted three children.

When Cale died.

When he betrayed Cale.

When 'Yoo Joonghyu' killed himself out of despair.

When he killed Cale.

That were all the moments he loves and despises at the same time.

Cale died on almost all turns.

He wasn't the only one who suffered. There was the kkomas too.

The 8th and 11th died on the Theatre Dungeon.

One killed himself after Cale tried to stop him but failed and killed Cale himself.

The other one failed to protect Cale and the two got killed.

41th Yoo Jonghyuk was really an idiot. He became cold and decided to abandon Cale and don't even acknowledging him as his friend.

81th turn was not that bad. Yoo Jonghyuk became a excellent chef and he learned that Cale loved apple pies. Unfortunately he also didn't make it.

999th Yoo Jonghyuk was really a good person, he really cared for Cale and his companions. He really had an horrible life and suffered so much. He was an exception. Cale died when they were young.

1863th. That was "Secretive Plotter" turn.

It was the worst of it all.

Cale didn't appear in this one.

He didn't know what happened, he didn't met him. He had memories of Cale of all other turns but in he didn't have one in this. He just...vanished.

At first he didn't understood why, but looking at the 1864th turn he immediately understood.


The 1864th has all he wanted.

That man Kim Dokja who was helping him.

His companions.


He wanted Cale back.



But although he is desperate he will wait.

Right now he has everything but not in the future. He is going to steal Cale from him.

"You sure are a possessive one don't you Plotter"?

He look beside him and there was the 999th kkoma.

"Of course I am, after all its Cale"

The other kkoma nodded at this. Everyone here liked Cale so it was a natural reaction.

"Are you going to kidnap him? "

"Of course"

999th looked at him for a moment before smirking.


Of course the 999th Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't a exception.

"I will be the one who will cook for him. "

Among the kkomas the 81th talked. He was the one who knows better than the others what Cale likes to eat.

'He really is pround of it uh'

"Then I will take care of him"

The kkoma 41th talked.

Everyone got silent.


Take care of Cale?


Secretive Plotter looked as the kkomas started fighting to be on Cale side.

'They're really childish'

They all were the same person but they are still fighting.

'Of course I will be the one to take care of him'


"Ugh, it's a little cold here, it's somebody talking about me?"

Cale shivered as he looked at Yoo Jonghyuk and then at the kids around him.

'Aren't they cold?'

[Cale you shouldn't sit there, your legs are going to be numb - Super Rock]

[Don't ruin it! He us having a family bond time! - Thief]

[Just like the old times - Glutton]

'Old times uh...'

His ancient powers fell silent. After all Cale didn't like to talk about that.

"There is time that I wished I could go back to the past"

'Yeah, he really liked his life in his past word'

He looked at Yoo Jonghyuk and the kids again and smiled.

'But this isn't bad either'

Kim Namwoon and Lee Jihye who were not too far away looked at Cale surprised.

'He wants things to be as before'

Kim Namwoon and Lee Jihye looked at each other and thought at the same time.

'We will be more stronger and finish all the scenarios and make Cale happy!'

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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