Chapter 17 - The Article

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(A/N: I have to put this here because there's Mr. River's author's note at the end and I didn't want it to get confused. I am overly proud of this article, and it reminds me a lot of when I was considering (as one of my many fleeting career options) being a news journalist, mainly following politics. Keep in mind I was considering this path during the Obama years. Although Obama was bad in some ways, Trump would have made me want to purposefully subject myself to the meme with the dog in the fire everyday. Other career options I considered included radio DJ and either a college or high school music teacher. But, I am where I am, and that's okay -NIcole)

Protest held outside Senate building, challenges President's mental health order

Yesterday evening, a group of eight young men, ranging from 20 to 24, held signs outside of the Senate building objecting to the President's mental health order that was enacted this Spring. The order forbade those with Superior mental health access to resources, as well as increased security at centers primarily used for mental health patients.

They are all different classes and have varying struggles with their mental health. Some are currently seeking help, while others would like to support either themselves or loved ones but are blocked from doing so.

"I've been trying to get approval to see [my partner's] therapist for months, but because I have Superior mental health, I can't." Yang Jeongin, 20, said. "It's frustrating because I love him and want to be there for him, but I'm being told I'm too good for help."

"I didn't use to believe in therapy or medicine," Bang Chan, 24, admitted. "but I can't deny it has helped my relationship and my ability to experience the world."

Bang is a unique case. At his Final Evaluation, he was denied access to the majority of Sub-Standard locations without a Guardian or Caretaker. He wanted to improve on his own and was told self-help books weren't the answer.

"It was crushing at the time, but at least I had Jeongin and my mom to help me."

There were high profile figures amongst the group. These included model and idol Hwang Hyunjin, and also Senior Director of Marketing at iStar Lee Minho.

"I just want people to get help if they need it." Hwang said. "I benefit from the mental health center, and have made great friends there who keep me grounded. I don't think others should be ashamed of getting help. If I can use my influence to bring awareness to the issue, then so be it."

"I used to believe in it all!" Lee, 23, was one of the more active talkers of the day. "My brother works at the center where I met some of these guys. I was there the day of the shooting, and despite being labeled as Superior mental health, I was terrified. Sungie was the most brave, and this system said I should be comforting him!"

'Sungie' is Lee's partner, Han Jisung, 21, who has been heavily intertwined with the mental health system since his initial evaluation at 12, where he was found to have severe social anxiety. Although he has always known the benefits, meeting Hwang, and eventually Lee, helped him realize the centers aren't just for children in his position.

"You can be a beautiful model like [Hwang] or a Superior everything like [Lee] but still be unsure of yourself. Everyone struggles. It's part of being human. All we want is for everyone to have a chance to get help if they want it."

A few from this group don't actively use the center's resources, but are strong advocates for their friend and brother Lee Minho. Seo Changbin and Lee Felix, respectively, would love to see Lee get help to understand his shifting views.

"The past few months have been a struggle for Minho." Seo, 23, said. "He started questioning the world around him and how he contributed [to it] as a Superior. Having influence on how others perceive things through his job started to tear him apart. Felix's connection to the center has really been a blessing for his growth, because now he has friends other than me. I'm so proud of him."

"My family initially shunned me when I chose to start working in mental health." Lee Felix, 21, added. "Minho's support of my career choice was always important to me, despite hating the people I helped. When he saw for himself how much it helped others, especially the day of the shooting when those resources helped him, it really validated what I do. We don't want to be seen as helping underprivileged over privileged, or children over adults, we want to help everyone, because at the end of the day, everyone needs help sometimes! That's why I chose to study psychology in the first place."

The last of the eight, Kim Seungmin, 21, has a very different objective in wanting to overturn the President's order. HIs biggest fear is that it is the first step to reinstituting segregation. Though he does question his own Superior mental health (despite his very Average status otherwise) he's not worried about himself.

"I don't want segregation to come back. If you've never heard of it, visit a library or look it up and learn about it. Keeping different groups of people apart means we don't get to know other perspectives. Getting to know these people I'm here with today has really helped me see the value of hearing others out who have different statuses and viewpoints. History shows when we shut each other's opinions out, no one wins."

For today, this small protest was not about winning or losing. It was about raising awareness of possible things to come. Everyone's differences came together for one purpose: to make help available to everyone who wants it.

A/N: I used to be a Final Evaluator before I quit in protest this year because of how the system severely affects the lives of children who haven't experienced life yet. For full transparency, I was the Final Evaluator for, in order of mention, Yang Jeongin, Bang Chan, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung, and Kim Seungmin. I am ashamed of the stress I have caused all those I evaluated over the decades. I want to extend an apology in particular, though it is insufficient, to Bang and Yang for putting a strain on their relationship, and Hwang, whom I forced into a life he didn't want. My apology obviously means nothing now, as the damage is done, but I must come clean about my past misgivings. I apologize to anyone else who I impacted negatively through my rulings. I am deeply regretful for my actions.

Jinnies_future_partner: OMG, Hyunjin was at a protest? He's so cool! <3

     -> Anonymous: What's a protest?

StableNopeNotMe: I've made a lot of Superior friends at my center who can't come there anymore. So glad someone is brave enough to speak out!

Anonymous: I wonder what segregation sounds really bad.

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