Epilogue 1 - Mr. River's recap

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(I'm just going to post the rest of the story today. I want to thank everyone who read even one chapter, or read the whole thing. It was a fun six months to craft everything, and I'm happy with how it turned out. If you want to see other parts of this epilogue, I'd be willing to write it. I might write the Minsung engagement story anyway, but there are other stories to tell too. Thanks for reading, and check out my Changlix book "Clairvoyant" because that's been hella fun to research and work on as well. <3 -Nicole)

Welp, here I am again.

What an end to the story, huh? Bet you weren't expecting Jeongchan to get engaged. Neither was I, quite frankly, though I was delighted when I heard the news. They were even nice enough to give me an invitation to the wedding, even though I didn't deserve it one bit. I can't believe it's been almost one year now...

Yep, it's Mr. River here. Still happy in retirement with my husband, in the same house where you met our heroes. That was a few years ago now, so I thought I'd catch you up on what happened after Mireu got arrested and they finally felt safe.

Mireu, after getting caught, had no interest in protecting his father. He knew even with his connections, that ending up in prison was inevitable, so he gave up all the information. His dad's involvement with the attacks, the connections with iStar, how they were coordinated...even the fact that he participated himself at the center connected with the Lees. The trial was one of the most viewed in decades, as the information came out with the testimony of these young men and their escape from his clutches. Even Changbin, who clearly came out the worst of the bunch, had the courage to write a statement, delivered on his behalf by Felix, on what Mireu did to him.

Don't worry though, Changbin is much better now. It took him almost a full year to get past the kidnapping and the trauma that went with it. I kept up with all of these young men, doing everything I could and can to make their lives better. He and Felix took over Minho's apartment once he moved in with Jisung. They're not dating, nor do they have any interest in doing so since they grew up like brothers. Ever since they were freed on that harrowing day, they just felt safer if they stayed together, so they did. Changbin decided to get into freelance advocacy work. He used his computer skills and marketing know-how from iStar to continue the fight they started long ago. His efforts and miniature celebrity status helped raise awareness for their cause. He's now working on legislation in states across the country to give others the freedom he and his friends have.

Felix stayed at the center they love so dearly, and recently got promoted to being in charge due to their boss' retirement. At almost 26, they're the youngest person in the state to take care of such an important part of society, and also their friends' lives. They took some time off to truly sort out this gender ambiguity they felt, and, as you are reading, chose they/them pronouns now that they don't have to worry about their parents. They and Minho ended up being estranged from their family. Their parents were "kind" enough to leave them each with some money, but it was far inferior to the wealth they would have inherited if they just stayed quiet. After their story went public from the trial, they did some Ted Talks. I'll play one for you at the very end.

Speaking of Minho, he and Jisung just got married a few months ago! I was invited to that wedding too, mainly because the harm I caused them was far less. Or so I tell myself, oh ho. And their engagement story is so romantic. Remember the spot Minho took Jisung on his birthday? Well, they went back there, as they did from time to time, and instead of a ring, Minho gave him a key. He found a place in the forest to build a home that would meet Jisung's ethical standards, and asked him to live out the rest of his days, dancing on their porch, until they both were too old to dance anymore. How cute! Jisung never thought he'd be a homeowner, much less with his soulmate. After their forest burnt down, Minho got a job at Jisung's work helping preserve the forests and oceans, using his marketing expertise and influence to help that cause that was so dear to both he and Jisung's hearts. I go to their house every so often for Minho's delicious cooking. It is cozy and humble, and they look as happy together now as they did so many years ago.

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